cabotage in English

the right to operate sea, air, or other transport services within a particular territory.
However, the big sticking point is what's known as cabotage - foreign carriers flying flights between two U.S. cities.

Use "cabotage" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cabotage" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cabotage", or refer to the context using the word "cabotage" in the English Dictionary.

1. Enforcement and control of cabotage are difficult because the market access regulation does not make enforcement easy.

2. The White Paper proposal regarding the treatment of the tramp and cabotage services can be accepted.

3. Cabotage rights as well as fifth, sixth and seventh freedoms will therefore be freely accessible through Malpensa airport.

4. Caatinga cabalism cabalist caballed caballer cabarets cabbaged cabbages cabbagey cabbalah cabbalas cabernet cabestro cabezone cabezons cabildos cabinets cabining cableway cAblings cabobbed caboceer caboched cabochon cabombas caboodle cabooses caboshed cabotage cabresta cabresto cabretta cabrilla cabriole …