by half in English

largely, mostly

Use "by half" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "by half" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "by half", or refer to the context using the word "by half" in the English Dictionary.

1. Comparing Antidepressants by half-life

2. Too smooth and plausible by half!

3. That boy's too arrogant by half.

4. The workforce has been slashed by half.

5. We'll need to reduce the weight by half.

6. This eminently reasonable development cut their sales by half.

7. Add stock and tamarind concentrate and reduce by half again.

8. Every movement or transition should be invisibly prepared by half - halt.

9. The external wall is out of plumb by half a metre.

10. Deglaze pan with nut-brown ale and reduce liquid by half.

11. The mangrove forest in the region has already been reduced by half.

12. Add bourbon and port and reduce over medium-high heat by half.

13. During Queen Victoria's lifetime alone, the size of the breed had decreased by half.

14. By half past six at the latest he reached the place where he died.

15. It's exasperating to run for a train and then miss it by half a minute.

16. The Prime Minister may now be regretting her impetuous promise to reduce unemployment by half.

17. The theory of the animated Cartoon preceded the invention of the cinema by half a century

18. 7 It's exasperating to run for a train and then miss it by half a minute.

19. Try Cutting the usual amount of sugar you add by half and wean down from there

20. Sort by Half bong, half hand pipe, Bubblers are a great compromise between size and filtration

21. One reason is that news networks have reduced the number of their foreign bureaus by half.

22. In the first half of 1989 the unemployment rate reportedly fell by half a percentage point.

23. In less than six months, we changed our life-style and reduced our family expenses by half.

24. Functions performed by those local staff were shifted to Taiwan by half, such as the reservation center.

25. With such singers, such music and such a story, Mr Alden's approach seemed nevertheless too fanciful by half.

26. If you are uncertain why you procrastinate, make a log of your activities for a week by half- hour intervals.

27. 15 Sales of traditional industrial life insurance policies plunged by half, but there has been a growth in endowment policies.

28. ▪ Install an aerator on your taps —they are relatively inexpensive and reduce water flow by half without reducing usefulness.

29. Turn off heat on Broccolini once cream is reduced by half and stir in 1 cup cheese, a few fat handfuls.

30. Coffee and tea are processed by half a dozen of different companies in the regions of Thyolo, Mulanje and around Mzuzu.

31. Absence of growth is characteristic of Blastomeres, in consequence of which they are diminished by half with each succeeding division (until the

32. Currently, the researchers have succeeded in reducing the noise transmitted by an aircraft propeller by ten decibels - in other words, by half.

33. The day she took office, she abolished military conscription and within a few weeks had reduced the size of the army by half.

34. 7 Much of the real figure is concealed by half-baked schemes concocted by his Department, which do not reveal the real position.

35. The proportion with a gender marker code of 0, which means that gender concerns are not adequately addressed, decreased by half (see Figure 10).

36. Later in the year, Britain oversaw the dismantling of much of Krupp's factory, reducing capacity by half and shipping industrial equipment to France as war reparations.

37. A mArriage between an ancestor and descendant, brother and sister, uncle and niece, or aunt and nephew, whether the relationship is by half or whole blood.

38. Although this may not appear to be significant, a drop of three decibels on the average is equivalent to decreasing the noise from traffic by half!

39. The ratio of 100 executions for one soldier killed and 50 executions for one soldier wounded was reduced by half in February 1943, and removed altogether that autumn.

40. "Hans Clodhopper THERE was once an old mansion in the country, in which an old squire lived with his two sons, and these two sons were too clever by half

41. Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend my shoe, Get it done by half-past two,Stitch it up, And stitch it down, Then I will give you Half a crown.Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend my sh

42. However, gross farm incomes increased by half in the first three years of the New Deal and the relative position of farmers improved significantly for the first time in twenty years.

43. But during the past 20 years, the population of the wandering albatross on South Georgia in the South Atlantic and on Crozet in the Indian Ocean has been reduced almost by half.

44. In Afghanistan, for example, the Taliban had devastated a land that was already poor and had depleted the workforce by half, by preventing, in the name of a religious ideology, women from working

45. Custom wine barrel furniture and granite by: Half Casked Like Half Casked on Facebook and half_Casked on Instagram Half Casked has started branding all of its products, if you don't see the brand it might not be Half Casked.

46. At certain values of N a change in structure of the nucleus occurs, with increase in radius of the core by half a spheron diameter, permitting the cluster to drop back into the mantle, with decrease in R by half a spheron diameter. In the lanthanon region of permanent prolate deformation the rotating cluster is a polyhelion, containing the number of helions permitted by the difference between Z or N and the nearest magic number, and in the actinon region it contains all the nucleons beyond 208Pb, with maximum p10n16.

47. Partnered by 7lb Claimer Robert Tart, the nine-year-old got home by half a length from the odds-on Rose Garnet, much to the delight of trainer Michael Mullineaux, who said: "He's still good enough to win in this grade

48. Every global recession since 1970 has been preceded by at least a doubling of the oil price, and every time the oil price has fallen by half and stayed down for six months or so, a major acceleration of global growth has followed.

49. ‘His Actorly slam-dunk is equalled, however, by half-lidded ingenue Scarlett Johansson, whose sheer unlikelihood as a romantic foil paradoxically renders her perfect.’ ‘His performance skills are less obtrusive than those of his Actorly predecessors simply because we are already familiar with the style.’

50. One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never! Ralph Waldo Emerson