burn off in English


use up energy and get rid of unwanted fat by doing exercises (e.g.' "burn off calories"); cause to burn; get rid of vegetation by fire or by using chemicals in order to clear land or in preparation for harvesting a root crop; get rid of surplus gas; scatter, spread out (clouds or fog by the sun heat)

Use "burn off" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "burn off" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "burn off", or refer to the context using the word "burn off" in the English Dictionary.

1. Just to burn off the energy.

2. Exercise helps you burn off excess fat.

3. The fog will burn off before noon.

4. It ( The sun ) will burn off before noon.

5. Let's burn off the rest of the brush.

6. We are going to burn off the waste paper.

7. Burn off the old paint before repainting the door.

8. Do you need to burn off a few calories ?

9. Running is an excellent way to burn off excess calories.

10. We were ordered to burn off 000 calories each week.

11. This workout helps you to burn off fat and tone muscles.

12. You can use a blowlamp to burn off the old paint.

13. They play to have fun, be with friends, and burn off energy.

14. The bushfire actually helped to burn off a lot of dead undergrowth.

15. Doing exercise, which requires extra fuel, will help burn off the body fat even quicker.

16. There is something, though , that will burn off that fog. It is determined, passionate,(Sentencedict.com) meaningful intention.

17. That way you will not burn off too many calories which might prevent you from increasing muscle size.

18. It was recommended to burn off fuel in the fuselage tank to 30 gallons before combat if possible.

19. Tablets includes a built-in sunlight protector which protects Chlorine from sunlight burn-off so the Chlorine lasts longer.

20. Spot reduction is not possible either, so doing a lot of abs will not burn off the fat on your midsection.

21. The Bessemer method involved blasting a strong current of air through molten iron to burn off the carbon and other impurities.

22. The amorphous parts of the pyrocarbon coatings burn off more quickly than the pyrocarbon itself and thereby a relief-like coating structure appears.

23. Barricade Flashers Our Barricade flashers It is available in 6v spring top battery, with or without photo-cell and flashing or steady burn off circuits

24. Once your design is finished, fire the Bisqued piece to 500°F to burn off the wax and set the transferred image or design

25. Small surgical tools can be put through the Cystoscope to remove stones, fulgurate (burn off) small growths, or take small samples of tissue for a biopsy

26. Despite this success CN continues to work towards complete elimination of burn off accidents, and is currently continuing its detector re-spacing efforts (on secondary lines).

27. This makes it possible to protect the heating structure (28) and also to reduce the voltage needed to burn off particles accumulated on the electrode structures (14, 18).

28. In some areas park management staff burn off the savannas on a regular basis to keep the rainforest from growing onto the savannas and changing the ecosystem of the area.

29. I will use these final days prior to My appearance to all, to press out the wine from the grape, to gather the wheat from earth and separate and burn off the tares with unquenchable fire.

30. ‘Ships being Breamed at a careenage would have fires built under them to burn off marine growth and faggots of reeds would be in demand for the purpose and might well have been sent down river in boat load quantities.’ ‘She was then Breamed, scraped, caulked, …

31. ‘Ships being Breamed at a careenage would have fires built under them to burn off marine growth and faggots of reeds would be in demand for the purpose and might well have been sent down river in boat load quantities.’ ‘She was then Breamed, scraped, caulked, …

32. Product description Description:Cautery High Temp Fine Tip ToolWith a press of a button the fine tip of this Cautery tool turns red hot and allows the tyer to burn off tag ends excess materials clean out eyes of flies etc USE WITH CARE Available in either the Disposable or the Changeable Battery amp Tip versions