buffer zone in English

a neutral area serving to separate hostile forces or nations.
Since then, UN peacekeeping troops brought to the island following intercommunal fighting in 1963 have patrolled a buffer zone separating the two communities.

Use "buffer zone" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "buffer zone" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "buffer zone", or refer to the context using the word "buffer zone" in the English Dictionary.

1. So keep that buffer zone secure.

2. Each core zone is surrounded by a buffer zone.

3. You're seeing the buffer zone around the Panama Canal.

4. 20-mile buffer zone and 30 klicks to the hangar.

5. UNFICYP continued to support civilian activities in the buffer zone

6. You also have a buffer zone that's 17 square kilometers.

7. Severe obesity represents a buffer zone between you and the world.

8. Martin Smith is correct about increasing the buffer zone to four shots.

9. Save as is provided in the buffer zone of pond culture and marine.

10. Its buffer zone includes a less strictly protected area called Narew Landscape Park.

11. The reserve comprises 208.600 ha, of which about 163.800 ha constitute the buffer zone.

12. Previous demonstrations in periods of tension have led to shootings in the buffer zone.

13. Buffer zone Limitrophe states Puppet state Satellite state Fazal, Tanisha M. (2004-04-01).

14. A thirty-mile buffer zone also extended along the length of the Chinese frontier.

15. Input and output are provided in the buffer zone size can be arbitrarily set.

16. In 1997, an additional 3250 km2 was designated as a buffer zone for the reserve.

17. The absence of a buffer zone should raise a red flagbuffer zone, potential for injury exists.

18. Throughout this time, however, UNFICYP sought to address challenges to its authority in the buffer zone.

19. The buffer zone of the reserve covers two large lakes called Barun-Torey and Zun-Torey.

20. These willows also create an effective wind buffer zone on the North part of the site.

21. Each park will be bordered by a buffer zone where environmentally friendly farming will be encouraged.

22. Installed salt spreading calibrating meters on trucks; no sand / debris to be disposed within watercourse buffer zone.

23. Daily communication has helped to further enhance cooperation and to address operational difficulties within the buffer zone.

24. The site was designated a national monument in Syria and a buffer zone was established in 2007.

25. In this buffer zone around the park, people survive through subsistence farming and cash crops such as cotton.

26. Militarily, the province of Syria served as a buffer zone between the rival powers of Rome and Persia.

27. In that case, the radius of the buffer zone shall be increased to no less than 4 km.

28. to minimise the effects from activities on surrounding areas the plot shall be surrounded by a buffer zone.

29. Do you really expect us to believe, as you say, that many people feel the buffer zone should be scrapped?

30. Hungarian neutrality and withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact represented a breach in the Soviet defensive buffer zone of satellite nations.

31. Riparian forest belt, as a buffer zone between farmland and water body, should be planted along the rivers that enter Taihu Lake.

32. The two sides agreed to create a four-kilometer-wide buffer zone between the states, known as the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).

33. The ceasefire line from August 1974 became the United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus and is commonly referred to as the Green Line.

34. The Armenian separatists who ran Nagorno-Karabakh used the districts once occupied by Azeris as a buffer zone and a future bargaining chip, making …

35. The Kingdom of Al-Hirah, a Sassanid vassal kingdom, was established to form a buffer zone between the empire's heartland and the Bedouin tribes.

36. Caster and finishing mill are directly connected in this process, that's why holding furnace is necessary as a buffer zone against troubles occurred in finishing mill.

37. The boundaries of the national park encompass a core area of 173 square kilometres (43,000 acres), and a buffer zone of 162 square kilometres (40,000 acres).

38. Established towards the close of the British-Russian "Great Game", the resulting line established Afghanistan as a buffer zone between British and Russian interests in the region.

39. In multiple-use zones (8484.40 km2; 40%) and the buffer zone (4975 km2; 24%), which comprises the southern portion of the Reserve, certain regulated economic activities are allowed.

40. On 20 March 1991 the most valuable part of the area was declared a national park, with the rest of the landscape protected area serving as its buffer zone.

41. Non-government organizations ( NGOs) working in the communities say there is much suspicion the vacated buffer zone will turn into profit for someone else as prime beachfront property for hotels.

42. The national park also includes a buffer zone of approximately 165.34 km2, which is located in a larger area including five communes: Minh Châu, Vạn Yên, Bản Sen, Quan Lạn and Hạ Long.

43. The Carpathian site covers a total area of 77,971.6 ha (192,672 acres), out of which only 29,278.9 ha (72,350 acres) are part of the actual preserved area, while the rest is considered a "buffer zone".

44. After being conquered by the Arabs in the early 8th century, it was conquered in 801 by Charlemagne's son Louis, who made Barcelona the seat of the Carolingian "Hispanic March" (Marca Hispanica), a buffer zone ruled by the Count of Barcelona.

45. The US failure to destroy the al-Qaeda and Afghan Taliban leadership in the 2001 war that liberated Afghanistan allowed both groups to take up safe residence in the tribal badlands of the Federal Administered Tribal Areas that form a buffer zone between Afghanistan and Pakistan, where some 4.5 million Pashtun tribesmen live.