bristletails in English

a small wingless insect that has bristles at the end of the abdomen.
Jumping bristletails moult 8 to 10 times before reaching sexual maturity, which may take up to two years.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "bristletails" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bristletails", or refer to the context using the word "bristletails" in the English Dictionary.

1. Order Diplura — the two-pronged Bristletails

2. Orders Thysanura (the true Bristletails, with three bristles, including the silverfish) and Diplura (the two-pronged Bristletails), subclass Apterygota

3. Bristletails have small compound eyes and external mouthparts.

4. Orders Thysanura (the true Bristletails, with three bristles, including the silverfish) and Diplura (the two-pronged Bristletails), subclass Apterygota ‘Jumping Bristletails moult 8 to 10 times before reaching sexual maturity, which may take up to …

5. BugGuide has some wonderfully detailed images of Bristletails.

6. Jumping Bristletails are harmless, beneficial recyclers of organic matter

7. There are a total of [ 6 ] Bristletails in the database

8. Characteristics Bristletails are a group of small wingless insects that resemble silverfish (Thysanura) but unlike the fast running silverfish, Bristletails can jump distances up to 10 centimetres by flexing their abdomens when disturbed

9. Bristletails - which includes the destructive Silverfish - represent one of the more overlooked groupings of insects

10. Bristletails are mostly grey in colour and usually less than 20 millimetres in length.

11. UALR Biology Professor, Dr. Yanoviak speaks about his research concerning the gliding behavior observed in jumping Bristletails.

12. Jumping Bristletails are found on the ground under rocks, stones, logs, debris, leaves and in caves and prefer moist areas

13. Jumping Bristletail Their scientific name is Pedetontus but they are mostly referred to by their common name of jumping Bristletails or the jumping silverfish

14. The term Apterygota refers to two separate clades of wingless insects: Archeognatha comprises jumping bristletails, while Zygentoma comprises silverfish and firebrats

15. Some wingless insects such as ticks, Bristletails, fleas, and some cockroaches and insect larvae can absorb water vapor directly from unsaturated air by an as …

16. Springtails, cockroaches, crickets, flies, isopods, Bristletails, and true bugs were grabbed by the forelegs and held in a basket-like manner using the first three pairs of legs

17. Jumping Bristletails are most active at night, but they can be found in the daytime in leaf litter and other decomposing matter, under bark, stones, and rocks, and in crevices

18. Bristletail (plural Bristletail or Bristletails) Any of various small, active six-legged arthropods that have two or three bristles at the ends of their abdomens and that do not have wings

19. The Bristletail in your images is a primitive insect that was once classified with Silverfish and several other groups that have since been taxonomically divided, with Bristletails now being classified in the Order Microcoryphia

20. *Thysanura (*Bristletails*, *silverfish*; class Insecta [1], subclass Apterygota [2])* One of the two orders of the Apterygota, whose name is derived from the Greek thysanos, ‘fringe’, and oura, ‘tail’, comprising ectognathous [3] insects which are more or less flattened and adapted for running.