breech presentation in English

a position of a fetus in which the feet or buttocks appear first during birth.
It showed a late second-trimester fetus in a breech presentation .

Use "breech presentation" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "breech presentation" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "breech presentation", or refer to the context using the word "breech presentation" in the English Dictionary.

1. A Breech presentation or delivery

2. A Breech presentation may be of different types

3. This is the most common type of Breech presentation

4. This is the most common type of Breech presentation.

5. At 20 weeks, about one in four pregnancies are Breech presentation

6. There are three types of Breech presentation: complete, incomplete, and frank

7. Randomized management of the nonfrank breech presentation At term: a preliminary report

8. Planned caesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation At term: a randomised multicentre trial.

9. In a Breech presentation, the body comes out first, leaving the baby’s head to be delivered last

10. A frank Breech is the most common Breech presentation, especially when a baby is born at full term

11. A frank Breech is the most common type of Breech presentation when a baby is born at full term

12. This is referred to as “Breech presentation.” Breech births occur in approximately 1 out of 25 full-term births.

13. A Breech presentation is when the fetus presents buttocks or feet first (rather than head first – a cephalic presentation)

14. Breech presentation is defined as a fetus in a longitudinal lie with the buttocks or feet closest to the cervix

15. A Breech presentation happens when a baby doesn’t move into a delivery position before birth and instead stays in a bottom-down position

16. Some Abruptions were asymptomatic; for instance, Case 25405, and Case 89563 with obstructed labor due to breech presentation or Case 17891 with failed medical induction of labor

17. Breech presentation is associated with an increased risk of developmental dysplasia of the hip; an ultrasound of the hips should be performed in all babies who were Breech at 36 weeks irrespective of their presentation at delivery or the mode of delivery.

18. Variable name Maternal variables Age Maternal length of in-hospital stay Case mix group Cesarean section Previous cesarean section Breech presentation Dystocia Fetal distress Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia Gestational diabetes Placenta previa Abruptio placenta Polyhydramnios Multifetal pregnancy CIHI manual: admission date—birth date CIHI manual CIHI manual CCPa: 86 ICD-9: 6542, 6606 ICD-9: 6522, 6696 ICD-9:

19. There is a general consensus that planned caesarean section is better than planned vaginal birth for the delivery of the fetus in the breech presentation At term if the presentation is footling, if the fetus is compromised, if the fetus is large or has a congenital abnormality that could cause a mechanical problem at vaginal delivery, or if a