break free in English


escape, remove obstacles or bindings

Use "break free" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "break free" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "break free", or refer to the context using the word "break free" in the English Dictionary.

1. Women are struggling to break free from tradition.

2. She managed to break free from her attacker.

3. He finally managed to break free from his attacker.

4. The horse tried to break free from its stable.

5. Many families chose to break free from false religious teachings.

6. Hattie was struggling to break free from her domineering father.

7. They longed to break free from the yoke of Communism.

8. Imaginations fettered by today's highly successful orthodoxy will break free.

9. Sometimes we must act decisively to break free from the past.

10. Upon detecting any movement, the dormant Cystoids inside will break free, …

11. “Although I went to four different detoxification centers, I could not break free.

12. People who find a way to break free feel jubilant about their escape.

13. It's a spider's web that I'll never know how to break free of.

14. He will help you to break free from the snare of the occult.

15. If so, is he now convinced that he should break free from it?

16. Analytica allows you to break free of complex spreadsheets and bring clarity to difficult decisions.

17. When sufficient lift is generated, the craft can break free of the ground and fly.

18. Icebergs are created when chunks of pack ice break free and float off into open sea.

19. How did an abuser of alcohol and drugs gain the strength to break free from his destructive addictions?

20. 14 The Bible tells us both how to resist wicked spirits and how to break free from them.

21. Soon Glenn accepted a Bible study and with great effort began to break free from his unwholesome habits.

22. Cameron knew how good his son really was, and encouraged him to break free of the pop straitjacket.

23. He ended up in a thorn bush where he finally managed to break free from his billowing parachute.

24. Canker diseases can easily kill branches or cause enough structural damage for branches to break free in severe weather

25. It finds itself bereft of the financial wherewithal or the collective will to break free of its traditional habits.

26. Seeing him break free from his addiction prompted his brother and sister-in-law to start studying the Bible.

27. Many drinkers need medical treatment to reinforce their spiritual battle to break free from and stay away from alcohol abuse.

28. The only way she knew to dispel it was to break free of his grasp and get into the canoe.

29. The second step to break free of PowerPoint as your autocue is to have a printout of your PowerPoint slides.

30. We must therefore break free from the rigid framework of the Community institutions and put variable geometry into direct action.

31. To help you, SkinKraft has put together all the causes, treatments and prevention tips to break free from hair Breakage.

32. 12 They rigorously exclude the kinds of people, ideas, and methods they most need to break free of stagnant patterns.

33. One Ayahuasca session can alter your consciousness forever and help expand your mind to think outside the box and break free

34. The German Seventh Army attempts to break free, but they are met with heavy aerial bombardment and are forced to surrender.

35. Nonetheless, it was a real struggle to break free from what others expected of me, but I am happy I did.

36. Some films never break free of the festival circuit; some, indeed, seem to have been designed expressly for the titillation of festival audiences and nobody else.

37. Choosing the right products to make for the global market is key, if low-income and slow-growing countries want to break free of the poverty trap.

38. But when Clots break free and travel through the bloodstream, they can block blood flow to essential organs such as the lungs (causing a pulmonary embolism) or …

39. The Codependency Recovery Plan: A 5-Step Guide to Understand, Accept, and Break Free from the Codependent Cycle Krystal Mazzola M.Ed LMFT 4.7 out of 5 stars 244

40. But Metellus - legate of the Second Augusta Legion, hero of the empire - and his men break free and find shelter at an oasis where they meet a mysterious, exiled prince.

41. Some live life strictly, following each and every rule rigidly. They go by the book and get stuck by the hook. Break free today, let conscience guide your way. RVM 

42. ‘The Analysand can break free of the pattern of repetition only through reproducing or reenacting the trauma as opposed to simply repeating it; the Analysand must reexperience the trauma and its concomitant anxiety.’

43. Only when she was so diseased that she was admitted to a regular hospital, “with a list of ailments as long as her age,” was she finally able to break free from her captors and pour out her story.

44. Break free from barriers and work toward sustainable, meaningful change with Chrysalis Health. Our highly qualified and trained therapists, counselors, physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals work with individuals of all ages and walks of life to reorient focus, develop meaningful relationships, and provide comprehensive care.

45. In The Abandonment Recovery Workbook, psychotherapist and Abandonment expert Susan Anderson explores the seemingly endless pain of heartbreak and shows readers how to break free—whether the heartbreak comes from divorce, a breakup, a death, or the loss of friendship, health, a job, or a dream.

46. During the 1960’s and 1970’s, as the moral climate in the world continued to degenerate, The Watchtower continued to provide pointed counsel for God’s people on such subjects as proper conduct between the sexes and the need to break free from tobacco and other drugs.

47. Whether you’re simply looking for advice on the right kind of styling for your Boudoir shoot, need to work on how you feel about your body or are trying to break free from a lifetime of body shaming, I can give you the coaching you need to make sure that your photos shoot is the beautiful, life-affirming experience that you’re looking for.

48. OUT NOW: 🎙 The audiobook edition of 'A Handbook of Traditional Living: Style & Ascesis' by Radio The second volume of 'A Handbook of Traditional Living' continues the project of the first: to resurrect perennial values for a Traditionalist lifestyle in an anti-Traditional world, and to provide concrete and desperately needed advice for those who wish to break free of the spell of a