brain damage in English

injury to the brain that impairs its functions, especially permanently.
This can lead to convulsions, seizures and permanent brain damage in some.

Use "brain damage" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "brain damage" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "brain damage", or refer to the context using the word "brain damage" in the English Dictionary.

1. She had irreversible brain damage.

2. The victim suffered severe brain damage.

3. Severe brain damage turned him into a vegetable.

4. He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash.

5. Otherwise, he's burning up, he can get brain damage.

6. He suffered severe brain damage after a motorbike accident.

7. Many professional boxers end their careers with brain damage.

8. 5 The brain damage will retard the child's language development.

9. 8 He suffered severe brain damage after a motorbike accident.

10. Early diagnosis and treatment prevents brain damage and liver cirrhosis.

11. Sometimes autism is the result of brain damage in early life.

12. This chemical can cross the blood–brain barrier, causing permanent brain damage.

13. Coma, brain damage, Hydrocephalus, and Vasospasm are all indicative of complications with Aneurysms.

14. A brain Bleed causes brain damage and yes, they can be life-threatening

15. Anterograde amnesia is the inability to form new memories due to brain damage

16. Smoking by expectant mothers may increase the chances of brain damage in their babies.

17. Asphyxia neonatorum is a leading cause of brain damage and death in infants worldwide

18. Now you don't have a job, and you're marrying a man with brain damage.

19. She could suffer irreversible brain damage if she is not treated within seven days.

20. Benoit's father suggests that brain damage may have been the leading cause of the crime.

21. Prosopagnosia is one of many surprisingly specific mental deficits that can happen after brain damage.

22. I was the only guy who disagreed with the facts and I had brain damage.

23. Chickenpox is a serious disease because it can cause scarring, pneumonia, brain damage and sometimes death.

24. He's got brain damage. He's likely to have peripheral nerve damage no matter what the cause.

25. The researchers also point out that the woodpecker has a natural advantage in resisting brain damage.

26. 26 All the brain damage occurred in a region of the cerebrum known as the rhinencephalon.

27. Today, doctors' leaders call for a full inquiry into the dangers of brain damage in boxers.

28. Contusions represent areas of focal brain damage and are essentially areas of bruising of the brain

29. Whether they lose their memory through physical brain damage or psychological trauma, most Amnesiacs—or “amnesics,” in

30. After watching some of Ali's films, a London neurologist said he was convinced Ali had brain damage.

31. Agnosia is the general term for the inability, due to brain damage, to recognize previously familiar objects

32. Cooke was frequently hospitalised for head injuries and had suspected brain damage because of his accident-proneness.

33. Study included 182 Vietnam War veterans who had highly localized brain damage caused by penetrating head wounds .

34. We are looking forward to expert advice in your column before we do ourselves irreversible brain damage.

35. Her face is deformed, she has no effective heart or lung function, and she probably has brain damage.

36. When the brain is subjected to abnormal stress, it sets up an inhibitive reaction for protection against brain damage.

37. Depending on the level of exposure, the effects range from clinically unnoticeable to severe brain damage and even death.

38. These are day-to-day problems encountered by people suffering from specific forms of brain damage (prosopagnosia and visual agnosia).

39. The duration of time in which a patient can be in Convulsive status epilepticus before brain damage occurs is unknown

40. Arching the back is a classic sign of brain damage from kernicterus in babies who have or have had very high bilirubin levels.

41. Difficult labor is one of the primary reasons Atonic cerebral palsy can occur if it leads to loss of oxygen and brain damage.

42. There was no quantitative difference between schizophrenics and persons with organic brain damage in the interpretation of an abstraction from the picture material.

43. And if bacterial toxins accumulate in the brain and trigger cell death, meningitis could also cause long-term brain damage and memory loss.

44. Control subjects were 12 patients with brain damage, but intact Amygdalae, and 7 normal indi- viduals with no history of neurological or psychiatric disease

45. As a person who has brain damage and Confabulates, First I just want to say I am so sorry for what you are going through

46. For brain Aneurysms, surgery will be conducted only if the chance of rupture is high since brain damage is a high risk here (x, x)

47. They were all taking 6-12 vitamins to help increase energy, improve recovery, and counteract the liver damage, brain damage, Comedowns and hangovers after every night.

48. They compared her performance on a range of psychological tests with that of two patients with frontal lobe brain damage who don't confabulate, and with five healthy controls.

49. NMDA (short for N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor Antagonists are a class of drugs that may help treat Alzheimer's disease, which causes memory loss, brain damage, and, eventually, death

50. In the ’60’s, evidence began to accumulate that strongly suggested that autism results from subtle forms of brain damage (although it is still unknown precisely what these are).