borborygmic in English


rumbling, grumbling (in the stomach)

Use "borborygmic" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "borborygmic" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "borborygmic", or refer to the context using the word "borborygmic" in the English Dictionary.

1. The air around him occasionally sounds with “borborygmic Blarings.” (“Yes, I have been rifling the dictionary again,” he admits at one point.) He is meticulous with

2. The adjective is Borborygmic and borborology is the scientific study of the problem; however, up to the 17th century it meant "profanity"

3. Perhaps it was the flabby stink of seared flesh that was making me feel peculiar; that, and the smoke from the candles on the tables and the borborygmic Blarings of the three-piece band

4. No more will the aging rock press dismiss Norbert Fragg as "a former rock goat," an "Anfractuously anachronistic axe man," "a chevre without chevrons," or, most heinously, "a bootlessly borborygmic bloviating bodger." The unmitigated excess of Norbert Fragg’s debut Chautauqua chit-chat, coyly titled "Fragg Me With a Spoon," has sent nittering