blaze a trail in English


lead the way

Use "blaze a trail" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "blaze a trail" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "blaze a trail", or refer to the context using the word "blaze a trail" in the English Dictionary.

1. Blaze a trail.” — Yogi Bhajan

2. You should have the courage to blaze a trail.

3. I will work hard to blaze a trail in this new company.

4. We have to blaze a trail and create a new model of relationship.

5. A lot of new competitors in the market has also blaze a trail of Xuelu.

6. Only in this way can we surmount the difficulties facing us and blaze a trail to resolve the nuclear issue.

7. However, the more employees who work flexibly the less of a stigma there will be, so blaze a trail for your comrades.

8. Career matchups are perhaps the best forthese two, being able to fulfill the relationship's aggressive and outgoingaspects and its need to blaze a trail in the firmament.

9. For instance, with regard to energy issues, China is working hard to blaze a trail in energy conservation so as to shape up a China-style energy-saving approach.

10. For instance(Similarily) , over the matter of transfer of superfluous rural labor force, we (find out the way towards ...)will blaze a trail in urbanization road stamped with chinese characteristics.

11. The second combination implies the two major explorations during the socialist period:One was to blaze a trail of our own in socialist construction, using the Soviet Union as a mirror.

12. We're doing this one-off event because it's something we'd want to go to ourselves, and we want to blaze a trail for people who are planning similar events in the future.