bill of attainder in English

act of legislature that convicts a citizen of a crime without a trial (illegal according to the U.S. Constitution)

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "bill of attainder" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bill of attainder", or refer to the context using the word "bill of attainder" in the English Dictionary.

1. See also civil death and bill of Attainder.

2. ‘An analysis under the applicable standards for a bill of Attainder show that this is clearly what the statutes are.’ ‘It is a bill of Attainder

3. Clause 3 : No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

4. Bill of Attainder definition is - a legislative act that imposes punishment without a trial.

5. The bill of Attainder claim is the first and most prominent of Huawei’s constitutional arguments

6. Attainder definition in English dictionary, Attainder meaning, synonyms, see also 'bill of Attainder',attain',attainture',attaint'

7. Article I, Section 9, Clause 3: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed


9. A bill of Attainder is prohibited by Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 of the Constitution because it deprives the person or persons

10. Bill of Attainder is a legislative act pronouncing a person guilty of a crime, and punishing them without benefit of a trial

11. In American constitutional law, a bill of Attainder is any legislative act that inflicts punishment on designated individuals without a judicial trial.

12. A bill of Attainder is a legislative determination of guilt against a person, and usually a legislative determination of the punishment to be inflicted

13. The Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 provides that: "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law will be passed."

14. A bill of Attainder may be defined to be an Act of Parliament for putting a man to death or for otherwise punishing him without trial in the usual form

15. Common in English Parliamentary history, the bill of Attainder for the Earl of Strafford prior to the First English Civil War being the classic example, the Founding Fathers wished to make

16. Attainder (sometimes "Bill of Attainder" or "Act of Attainder") Attainder is an act passed by parliament against a person for a crime, or supposed crime, usually treason

17. Historically, a legislative act Attainting a person without a judicial trial was known as a bill of attainder or—if punishment was less than death—as a bill of pains and penalties

18. In a strictly technical sense it may be said that a Bill of Attainder is a legislative act inflicting the punishment of death without a trial, and that a Bill of Pains and …

19. Bill of Attainder A special legislative enactment that imposes a death sentence without a judicial trial upon a particular person or class of persons suspected of committing serious offenses, such as Treason or a felony

20. “That might look too much like what the Constitution prohibits, a so-called bill of attainder, which is a law that Attaints someone for criminal conduct by virtue of not a trial, but of

21. Noun The act of Attainting, or the state of being attainted; the legal consequence of judgment of death or outlawry pronounced in respect of treason or felony: as, a bill of attainder; to remove an attainder

22. On top of that one could make the point that this is a bill of attainder, that it’s a bill specifically directed at punishing one person not only without judicial trial, but in the face of impeachment Acquittals

23. By Mary W Maxwell, LLB Article I, section 9 of the US Constitution says “No Bill of Attainder shall be passed.” The effort to punish Trump by means other than a timely impeachment (too late now) or a proper conviction by a court for crime (no indictment yet) is …

24. A bill of Attainder – sometimes called an act or writ of Attainder or an ex-post facto law – is an act of a government’s legislature that declares a person or group of persons guilty of a crime and prescribing their punishment without the benefit of a trial or judicial hearing.

25. Tonight the House of Representatives formally transmitted its bill of Attainder against private citizen Donald Trump of Palm Beach, FL, in the process officially recruiting the Senate into the process of “a legislature declaring a person, or a group of persons, guilty of some crime, and punishing them, often without a trial”, as was

26. Huawei says it is the target of an unconstitutional "bill of Attainder," in which a person or entity is found guilty of a crime via an act of legislation, and argues that the law violates its right to due process and is a violation of the separation of powers between Congress and other branches of government.

27. Attainder Attainder n [Anglo-French atteinder, from ateindre to convict, sentence, literally, to reach, attain, ultimately from Latin attingere to reach, from ad to + tangere to touch]: the termination of the civil rights of a person upon a sentence of death or outlawry for treason or a felony see also bill of Attainder at bill, corruption of blood NOTE: In English law up to the nineteenth