bend the knee in English

bow down, pay homage

Use "bend the knee" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bend the knee" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bend the knee", or refer to the context using the word "bend the knee" in the English Dictionary.

1. He wants me to bend the knee.

2. They'll bend the knee or I'll destroy them.

3. Bend the knee or suffer the fate of all traitors.

4. Bend the knee and I will name you Warden of the North.

5. Tell Jon Snow that his queen invites him to come to Dragonstone... and bend the knee.

6. Bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son... and we shall allow you to live out your days in the gray waste you call home.

7. Bend the knee before Roach The Rightfull Empress of Nilfgaad, Queen of Kadewen, Temeria, Cintra, Attre, Redania, Rivia, Lyria, Brokilon, Dol Blathana and Skelige, Elder Matriarch of All Vampires Aen Saevherne, Buildress of Mahakam and Bearer of Elder Blood, Archhierarch of Eternal Fire and Daughter of Freya, Mistress of All Horses and Ruler of Unicorns