become a jew in English

convert to Judaism, convert to the Jewish religio

Use "become a jew" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "become a jew" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "become a jew", or refer to the context using the word "become a jew" in the English Dictionary.

1. Although this scholarly Jew had become a Catholic convert, the Spanish hierarchy refused to overlook his background.

2. Half-Jew.

3. What about the Jew?

4. He is as rich as a Jew.

5. A money-grabbing hook-nosed jew.

6. Where's the Jew?

7. A gentile is person that is not a Jew.

8. Used as a disparaging term for a Jew.

9. Anne married a Jew, despite being raised a Catholic.

10. Where is the Jew?

11. Being a Jew is a Bloodline, a heritage & gene-Alogy

12. Being a Jew is a Bloodline, a heritage, and geneAlogy

13. The Jew is behind it.

14. 28 Anne married a Jew,( despite being raised a Catholic.

15. Okay, so we have an African Jew wearing a hoodie.

16. The Jew pig attacked me

17. There are 613 commandments required of a pious Jew.

18. This Italian Jew situation called for a persuasive diplomat.

19. He was born a Jew in first century Palestine.

20. Max Liebster is a natural Jew who lived through the Holocaust.

21. He is a Jew in a staunchly and even Arrogantly Christian country

22. Ella’s gynecologist, Karl, a German-born Jew, was very impressed.

23. Although he was not a Jew, the Jews respected him.

24. Could some other Jew receive wider acceptance?

25. You blew up my club, Jew Hair!