bearing in mind in English

keeping in mind, taking into account, remembering

Use "bearing in mind" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bearing in mind" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bearing in mind", or refer to the context using the word "bearing in mind" in the English Dictionary.

1. 9 Bearing in mind that prevent the accumulation of static electricity.

2. Bearing in mind how young she is, I thought she did really well.

3. Bearing in mind the company spirit " no accumulation, no success ", we work with assiduity.

4. More money should be given to housing, bearing in mind the problem of homelessness.

5. This is to be expected, bearing in mind the way in which insertion is handled.

6. This is worth bearing in mind for those who drone on endlessly about "jobless stagflation."

7. Bearing in mind that the unemployment situation in Portugal is deteriorating alarmingly, can the Commission say:

8. However, bearing in mind these constraints; what is the current evidence linking diabetic control and platelet function?

9. UN-2 Bearing in mind that corruption is a main factor in the perpetuation of this Abhorrent practice

10. You can come along and register any time after this, bearing in mind that the walk finishes at dusk.

11. 18 All human languages are remarkably similar - bearing in mind the almost limitless number of ways of combining words.

12. The bulkhead footwells are quite bad, is it practical to fit a new bulkhead bearing in mind the V8 conversion?

13. Bearing in mind the supposedly invincible Achilles, is it possible that we too may have a weak spot, a spiritual Achilles’ heel?

14. 10 synonyms for Considering: taking into account, in the light of, bearing in mind, in view of, keeping in mind, taking into consideration

15. Workplaces containing workstations must be adequately insulated against heat, bearing in mind the type of undertaking involved and the physical activity of the workers.

16. BEARING IN MIND the discussions on science and society at the Uppsala informal meeting of Ministers for Education and Research on 2 March 2001;

17. Workplaces containing workstations must be adequately insulated against heat, bearing in mind the type of undertaking involved and the physical activity of the workers

18. Our environment and climate challenges need to be ambitiously addressed bearing in mind equity and the cardinal principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.

19. Be willing to relate and fellowship with others in group setting; bearing in mind that you are to set a positive example as a Christian Courting couple

20. Secondly, with regard to paragraph # of article # we believe that the term “legal capacity” should allow for a flexible interpretation, bearing in mind the differences in national legal systems

21. Bearing in mind the five-year amortization period, the increase in costs could be limited if equipment is designed forthwith to take account of the introduction of the Single Currency.

22. Secondly, with regard to paragraph 2 of article 12, we believe that the term “legal capacity” should allow for a flexible interpretation, bearing in mind the differences in national legal systems.

23. In view of the aforesaid and bearing in mind the generally positive nature of the findings in the Committee's Report on Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany makes the following preliminary comments:

24. Of satisfactory quality - they must meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as acceptable bearing in mind the way they were described , what they cost and any other relevant circumstances .

25. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its fifty-seventh session on globalization and interdependence, bearing in mind, inter alia, the outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development;

26. This ratio itself depends on the vitamin K content, bearing in mind its different forms: K2 that presents the best affinity for bone, and MK7 that can be found in its natural form in natto.

27. * Taking into account that radioactive sources are widely used and can be vulnerable to malicious acts, we urge States to secure these materials, while bearing in mind their uses in industrial, medical, agricultural and research applications.

28. What budget will be earmarked for education through sport, bearing in mind that the EUR 12.1 million already set aside for this purpose was not sufficient for the 15 Member States that existed before 1 May? 11.

29. BEARING IN MIND that reducing the emissions of these substances may provide additional benefits for the control of other pollutants, including in particular transboundary secondary particulate aerosols, which contribute to human health effects associated with exposure to airborne particulates,

30. And while there isn’t a handbook on how and when to use it, there are some best practices that are worth bearing in mind before filling out the Cc field and clicking “send.” How to use Cc in Gmail

31. Bearing in mind that the Alope is the only title known from Choerilus' plays, Pausanias' testimony may indicate that a rough outline of the tragedy was known in the age of the Second Sophistic, though it may not tell us …

32. Bearing in mind that the European market is in fact saturated, national and regional authorities must prepare Europe's citizens for a change of emphasis from material growth to improved immaterial welfare alongside the already high level of affluence (health care, education, environment).

33. Thus, any discriminatory treatment in regard to the grounds and procedures for separation or divorce, child custody, maintenance or alimony, visiting rights or the loss or recovery of parental authority must be prohibited, bearing in mind the paramount interest of the children in this connection.

34. Cockleshells has its own private decking and there is also a communal lawned area ideal for young children and dogs, bearing in mind you are also only metres away from the beach! There is a lovely outlook over the Seaview Nature Reserve from the front of Cockleshells…

35. I do not consider that it is necessary to adopt an interpretation of the exception laid down in the second subparagraph of Article 7(1) of Directive 1999/44 which is broader and different from that set out above, bearing in mind the objective pursued by that provision.

36. Bearing in mind those who Carked it already had underlying health issues i maintain my claim goo ga ga No it is not bollocks Stonefish, nor is it guesswork James it is a fact According to your logic Captain Sir Tom had been dead for 19 years when he did that walk.

37. One area important for European and world interests is the preservation of the Amazonian forest (8). To protect it, international partnerships should be set up, involving public and/or private bodies in this major undertaking, constantly bearing in mind the limits imposed by the sovereignty of Brazil's legislation and State regarding this world heritage.

38. having very particular regard for the victims of terrorism and their agonising experience and for the need to give priority to upholding their rights and to measures seeking to afford them protection and recognition, ever bearing in mind that the terrorists begin to lose ground when their victims speak out and society gives them a hearing

39. Noting the recommendations and the concerns expressed previously by the Committee, and bearing in mind the constraints on resources, UNLB suggests that the post of Deputy Director be held in abeyance at this time, pending further developments on the reprofiling and the submission in a subsequent period of adequate justification to warrant its consideration and approval

40. Bearing in mind the Djibouti Code of Conduct concerning the Repression of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden, noting the operations of information-sharing centres in Yemen, Kenya and Tanzania and the regional maritime training centre in Djibouti, and recognizing the efforts of signatory States to develop the appropriate regulatory and legislative frameworks to combat piracy, enhance their capacity to patrol the waters of the region, interdict suspect vessels, and prosecute suspected pirates,

41. Bearing in mind the Code of Conduct concerning the Repression of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden (Djibouti Code of Conduct), noting the operations of the newly established information‐sharing centres in Yemen, Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania and the ongoing work regarding a regional maritime training centre in Djibouti, and recognizing the efforts of signatory States, including new signatory States South Africa and Mozambique, to develop the appropriate regulatory and legislative frameworks to combat piracy, enhance their capacity to patrol the waters of the region, interdict suspect vessels and prosecute suspected pirates,

42. In conclusion, the draft resolution in its first operative paragraph decides, pursuant to Article 96 of the Charter of the United nations to call on the International Court of Justice, pursuant to article 65 of the Statute of the Court, to urgently render an advisory opinion on the following question: What are the legal consequences arising from the construction of the wall being built by Israel, the occupying Power, in the occupied Palestinian territories, including in and around East Jerusalem — as described in the report of the Secretary-General — bearing in mind the rules and principles of international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, and relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions?