basso profundo in English

a bass singer with an exceptionally low range.
The towering basso profundo brought a magical tenderness to his opening aria, with cleverly timed political quips and his deep bass lent warmth to the lyrical a capella friendship quartet.

Use "basso profundo" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "basso profundo" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "basso profundo", or refer to the context using the word "basso profundo" in the English Dictionary.

1. Barthianism bartholin's glands bartholomew bartolozzi barycentre base component base hospital base period bashibazouk basiated Basiating basiation basically basicity basidia basidial basidium basilary basilian basilica basilican basiliscine basilius basipetal basophilic basophilous basotho-qwaqwa basque provinces basso profundo basso rilievo

2. Barthianism bartholin's glands bartholomew bartolozzi barycentre base component base hospital base period bashibazouk Basiated basiating basiation basically basicity basidia basidial basidium basilary basilian basilica basilican basiliscine basilius basipetal basophilic basophilous basotho-qwaqwa basque provinces basso profundo basso rilievo