basket star in English

a brittlestar having branched arms.
The basket star , looking more like a soft coral with its delicate branching arms, reaches out into the current in search of its next meal.
    basket fish

Use "basket star" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "basket star" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "basket star", or refer to the context using the word "basket star" in the English Dictionary.

1. Above, the Medusa-like arms of a northern basket star (right) seek a meal of zooplankton beside a polar alcyonarian soft coral in the shallows beneath an ice sheet in the Canadian Arctic.

2. Basketing basketlike Basket Maker basketmaking basket mast basket meeting basket oak basket-of-gold basket osier basket phaeton basket plant basket press Basketries basket rummy basketry basket salt basketsful basket shell basket sponge basket star basket weave basket whelk basket willow basketwork Baskin basking basking shark bask in the glory