barnacle goose in English

a goose with a white face and black neck, breeding in the arctic tundra of Greenland and northern Europe.
Based on genetic similarities, the second group would also include the barnacle goose , a population of distinctive-looking geese that is currently recognized as a species by itself.

Use "barnacle goose" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "barnacle goose" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "barnacle goose", or refer to the context using the word "barnacle goose" in the English Dictionary.

1. Barnacle definition is - Barnacle goose

2. Bernicle ( plural Bernicles ) A barnacle goose

3. Keep an eye open and you may spot a barnacle goose or a Bewick's swan.

4. The confirmed cases of avian flu in the Republic of Ireland so far this winter were in a Curlew (Mayo), three Peregrine Falcons (Limerick, Cork, Mayo), a Whooper Swan (Wicklow), a Barnacle Goose (Cork) and four Mute Swans ( 2 in Monaghan, 1 in Kildare, 1

5. Brant, (Branta bernicla), water bird that resembles small, short-necked forms of the Canada goose but is much darker and, though black-necked and black-headed, lacks white cheeks; instead it has a more or less extensive narrow white neck ring and is “bibbed” like the barnacle goose