back home in English

in the direction of home, returning home, returning to the homeland, return to the place which gives a homey feeling

Use "back home" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "back home" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "back home", or refer to the context using the word "back home" in the English Dictionary.

1. Back home, Adipose III!

2. Do you get back home much?

3. I took a taxi back home.

4. She came back home safe and sound.

5. His remarks caused an outcry back home.

6. It is fine to be back home.

7. Thus, he started his journey back home.

8. Back home their relationship started to deteriorate.

9. What car do you drive back home?

10. Aiding and abetting terrorist activities back home.

11. You're in a tight race back home, Congresswoman.

12. I feel strange, I should go back home.

13. But she's too frightened to go back home.

14. Hopefully, I'll be back home by ten o'clock.

15. I'm going back home and buying me some land.

16. The wife appeased her husband and went back home.

17. Hopefully,( I'll be back home by ten o'clock.

18. Now we have arrived back home safe and sound.

19. You get all the games from back home, eh?

20. How different from my happy family life back home!

21. Back home everyone said I didn't have any talent.

22. Snow : Go back home! Don't even come back again.

23. I am filled with desire to go back home.

24. I will go back home in the near future.

25. I couldn't hide my eagerness to get back home.

26. I did a U-turn and headed back home.

27. Wait till the folks back home hear about this!

28. I know the spelling….but we call them Bretzel back home, BUT and here is where it gets funny, even back home spelling changes locally

29. Now, of course, back home, dead palmetto fronds are ideal.

30. B : We should train harder after we go back home.

31. There's speculation back home that the back channel is you.

32. Meanwhile, I was back home, basking in balmy Texas weather.

33. My dog always springs forth when I go back home.

34. She will be back home in a couple of weeks.

35. She takes it and the leftover food back home to Naomi.

36. Back home, I used to play the piano by the hour.

37. Back home, sure, you waved it around like the Confederate flag.

38. 10 The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home.

39. They expect me to ask their permission to go back home.

40. It's so cold. I wish I was back home in Morocco.

41. Susan and I were actually on the same path back home.

42. A late night , I came back home after entertaining my clients .

43. During her high fever,the patient babbled of going back home.

44. It'seems to me that be would like to go back home.

45. Say, look at that I can see myself back home now.

46. 15 The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home.

47. Susan is eager to go back home after a long trip.

48. It worried her mother that she did not go back home.

49. Burin gleefully helped in the battle, delighted to be back home

50. My wife will be swimming when I go back home tonight.