bachelor girl in English

an independent, unmarried young woman.
The bachelor girl plans to celebrate her win by watching England's footballers play Turkey - she predicts a 3-1 win for England - but said she was going to be sensible with her winnings.

Use "bachelor girl" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bachelor girl" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bachelor girl", or refer to the context using the word "bachelor girl" in the English Dictionary.

1. Diana's three best pals are the women who shared her bachelor-girl pad in in Knightsbridge before she was married.

2. Bachelor girl - Bachelorlike - clothes horse - clothes-horse - clotheshorse - death chamber - hempen collar - mademoiselle - sempervirent - spinsterlike - subdebutante - vestal virgin 13 letter words electric chair - lethal chamber - young creature

3. Baccillum bach trumpet bacharach bacheller bachelor bachelor girl bachelor of arts bachelor-at-arms bachelor's bachelors-at-arms bacillar bacilli bacillus back boiler back marker back number back passage back river back scatter back-filleted back-pedaling back-pedalling back-seat driver backbencher backbiter backbiting backbitten backboneless