at the eleventh hour in English

at the last minute, at the last possible moment

Use "at the eleventh hour" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "at the eleventh hour" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "at the eleventh hour", or refer to the context using the word "at the eleventh hour" in the English Dictionary.

1. He arrived there at the eleventh hour.

2. It has come at the eleventh hour.

3. He postponed his trip at the eleventh hour.

4. Their plan was called off at the eleventh hour.

5. The criminal won his reprieve at the eleventh hour.

6. The Billabong had been saved at the eleventh hour.

7. The president's visit was called off at the eleventh hour.

8. At the eleventh hour, Halifax has stepped into the breach.

9. We only received the official signatures at the eleventh hour.

10. If any guest failed at the eleventh hour , Todd was to dine.

11. The patrol was almost surrounded and then , at the eleventh hour , reinforcements arrived.

12. At the eleventh hour the government decided that something had to be done.

13. At the eleventh hour, the Government decided something had to be done, and fast.

14. At the eleventh hour, he underestimated the Stealers - as if they had only been his playthings.

15. There wouldn't be any later, unless somehow, at the eleventh hour, I freed Karen from her sterile remorse.

16. And, suddenly, just as had happened to Michael Banks, at the eleventh hour the rhythm started to come.

17. Our pianist had fallen ill, and then, at the eleventh hour, when we thought we'd have to cancel the performance, Jill offered to replace him.

18. 30 Each time European policymakers reacted similarly: with denial and dithering, followed at the eleventh hour with a half-baked rescue plan to buy time.

19. Our pianist had fallen ill, and then, at the eleventh hour, when we thought we'd have to cancel the performance, Jill offered to replace him.

20. Brigade sent us some "Buckshee" camels at the eleventh hour, or at worst we got permission to send some stuff by train, when it could be delivered in due course somewhere within reach.The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918

21. ‘Noticing Vincent's bedroom door was slightly Ajar, Cael pushed it open further and looked in and grinned.’ ‘At the eleventh hour the door was left slightly Ajar once more.’ ‘He's got the door slightly Ajar, just cracked enough to peek through.’ ‘Martin peers through an Ajar door which opens into the lobby.’

22. ‘Noticing Vincent's bedroom door was slightly Ajar, Cael pushed it open further and looked in and grinned.’ ‘At the eleventh hour the door was left slightly Ajar once more.’ ‘He's got the door slightly Ajar, just cracked enough to peek through.’ ‘Martin peers through an Ajar door which opens into the lobby.’