at midnight in English

at 12:00 in the nighttime

Use "at midnight" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "at midnight" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "at midnight", or refer to the context using the word "at midnight" in the English Dictionary.

1. The bell jangled at midnight.

2. He cast up at midnight.

3. The guests unmasked at midnight.

4. You're doing fireworks at midnight?

5. Some municipalities organize fireworks at midnight.

6. The fireplace snuffed out at midnight.

7. 2 The guests unmasked at midnight.

8. We finally got home at midnight.

9. The planes commenced bombing at midnight.

10. The party broke up at midnight.

11. His radio stopped on at midnight.

12. They started off to Normandie at midnight.

13. The guard will be relieved at midnight.

14. We stole on the enemy at midnight.

15. App timers reset each day at midnight.

16. 16 We finally got home at midnight.

17. I got the phone call at midnight.

18. We shall return at midnight, barring accidents.

19. The train is due in at midnight.

20. between the two sides ceased at midnight.

21. She stole out of the house at midnight.

22. I calculated that he would arrive at midnight.

23. At midnight tonight, we're hitting Duncan's Toy Chest.

24. 14 We stole on the enemy at midnight.

25. The election results will be announced at midnight.

26. 7 between the two sides ceased at midnight.

27. The new President assumes office at midnight tonight.

28. The newspaper will go to press at midnight.

29. At midnight there is a big fireworks show.

30. 17 They started off to Normandie at midnight.

31. They reeled out of the pub at midnight.

32. They stole up on the city at midnight.

33. I'll wait by the stone lamp at midnight.

34. 19 The train is due in at midnight.

35. The transportation took off with its cargo at midnight.

36. The ship pulled in to the shore at midnight.

37. 6 I calculated that he would arrive at midnight.

38. The aircraft is due to take off at midnight.

39. Channel 5 will replay the game's highlights at midnight.

40. 21 They stole up on the city at midnight.

41. 14 I calculated that he would arrive at midnight.

42. At midnight I could hear cars honk their horns.

43. But when she awoke at midnight, the Queen was... thirsty.

44. 2 Daylight saving time was over at midnight last night.

45. From now on the gates will be locked at midnight.

46. The show premiered June 4, 2010 at midnight on HBO.

47. The search party came at midnight, led by the Warden.

48. His estimated finish was at midnight or 0100 local time.

49. Proximo will come at midnight and take you to the gate.

50. I recommended that Schlesinger stand down the alert starting at midnight.