armed conflict in English


conflict that involves the use of weapons and physical force organized by countries or other large groups, wa

Use "armed conflict" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "armed conflict" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "armed conflict", or refer to the context using the word "armed conflict" in the English Dictionary.

1. Campaigning and securing gains when engaged in cooperation, competition below armed conflict, and armed conflict

2. Indicators of access during armed conflict

3. The agreement merely deferred armed conflict.

4. Airlifts, Aid and Armed Conflict in Biafra Omaka

5. an act of armed conflict, hostilities, civil war or insurrection

6. In addition, national and international tensions and armed conflict persist.

7. Aide memoire on the protection of civilians in armed conflict

8. This is a serious dispute, and could lead to armed conflict.

9. Aggressors: one that starts armed conflict against another especially without reasonable cause.

10. That abhorrent use- exploitation- of children in armed conflict is not unique

11. Aggressor: one that starts armed conflict against another especially without reasonable cause.

12. These people now face armed conflict, violence, destitution, and displacement in Afghanistan.[

13. Humanitarian access is a crucial part of protecting civilians in armed conflict

14. Government restrictions and the continuing armed conflict limited access to the area.

15. Blockades are permitted during armed conflict that do not cause disproportionate civilian harm

16. Secondly, we must continue to facilitate humanitarian access into areas of armed conflict.

17. About a quarter of the world’s nations are now involved in armed conflict

18. US forces will comply with the Law oF Armed Conflict at all times.

19. Access to education has increased for girls and boys affected by armed conflict.

20. Armed conflict impeded access to services that were essential for their well-being.

21. Resolution 1314 (2000) called for unhindered access to children affected by armed conflict.

22. The Burundian Civil War was an armed conflict lasting from 1993 to 2005

23. National legislation should provide necessary punishment basis for war crime in internal armed conflict.

24. During the armed conflict in Sri Lanka, elephants were maimed or killed by land mines.

25. For example, it was difficult to see a connection between sustainable development and armed conflict.

26. Do not travel to Afghanistan due to COVID-19, crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and armed conflict.

27. Between 1914 and 1945, 70 million people died in Europe alone as a result of armed conflict.

28. Individuals should be protected from crimes against humanity, which occur most often in times of armed conflict

29. We deplore the fact that, particularly in situations of armed conflict, this access is sometimes deliberately denied.

30. Where actual armed conflict is present, limitations on access are partly the result of the conflict itself.

31. The protection of civilians in armed conflict is, and must remain, an absolute priority for the Council.

32. Humanitarian access to the vulnerable is a vital stepping stone to the protection of civilians in armed conflict.

33. It was a century of almost unbroken war, with few and brief periods without organised armed conflict somewhere.”

34. With regard to children and armed conflict, United Nations general statements and resolutions must lead to specific action

35. The first was securing and maintaining humanitarian access to areas of armed conflict, which was becoming increasingly difficult.

36. There have been many examples of Amnesties granted at the end of an armed conflict that exclude international crimes

37. Military power grab appears to be uniting Myanmar people against a shared enemy, increasing the risk of Armed conflict.

38. Following this, Anilai became embroiled in an armed conflict with a son-in-law of Artabanus, who eventually defeated him.

39. For almost 30 years, Banda presided over a rigidly totalitarian regime, which ensured that Malawi did not suffer armed conflict.

40. Both countries pledged to resolve their problems by bilateral negotiations and to forgo armed conflict for a period of ten years.

41. The Aide memoire serves as a reference tool on the Security Council’s practice on the protection of civilians in armed conflict

42. The Geneva Conventions of # provided a related but separate framework for dealing with such abhorrent conduct in situations of armed conflict

43. Children feeling the effects of war can be displaced because of the armed conflict and may suffer physical and psychological trauma.

44. In situations of armed conflict, access may have to be negotiated with armed elements not connected to any structures of State authority.

45. The four-year struggle involved sporadic but bloody armed conflict, internal Indonesian political and communal upheavals, and two major international diplomatic interventions.

46. Rather Article 4 was targeted at the use and abandonment of explosive ordnance by a State’s armed forces during an armed conflict.

47. In situations of armed conflict, access may have to be negotiated with armed elements not connected to any structures of State authority

48. Decides that [UN Mission] shall perform the following tasks: ... (d) Protection of civilians and stabilization ... (iii) To provide specific protection for women and children affected by armed conflict, including through Child Protection Advisors and Women Protection Advisors, and address the needs of victims of sexual and gender-based violence in armed conflict

49. Reconsider travel to Lebanon due to COVID-19, crime, terrorism, armed conflict, civil unrest, kidnapping, and Embassy Beirut’s limited capacity to provide support to U.S

50. The United Nations is a worldwide intergovernmental organization that was created with the goal of intervening in the disputes between nations, thereby avoiding armed conflict.