ark of the covenant in English

the wooden chest that contained the tablets of the laws of the ancient Israelites. Carried by the Israelites on their wanderings in the wilderness, it was later placed by Solomon in the Temple at Jerusalem.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "ark of the covenant" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ark of the covenant", or refer to the context using the word "ark of the covenant" in the English Dictionary.

1. Ark of the Covenant

2. Also called Ark of the covenant

3. (Judaism) The Ark of the Covenant

4. What did the ark of the covenant represent for Israel?

5. And these stones were kept inside the ark of the covenant.

6. I even saw the Ark of the Covenant stolen from the temple.

7. + “No more will they say, ‘The ark of the covenant of Jehovah!’

8. He slowly passes around the curtain and stands before the ark of the covenant.

9. The ark of the covenant and various sacred utensils were to be kept there.

10. The ark of the covenant, which represented Jehovah’s presence, was once kept in Shiloh

11. The ark of the covenant reminded the Israelites of their promise to obey Jehovah.

12. * See also Ark of the Covenant; Holy of Holies; Temple, House of the Lord

13. Why was Jehovah displeased when David had the ark of the covenant moved to Jerusalem?

14. In the Most Holy was the ark of the covenant, made of acacia wood and gold.

15. So the priests pick up the ark of the covenant, and carry it ahead of the people.

16. Jehovah had instructed the priests carrying the ark of the covenant to march right into the Jordan River.

17. The ark of the covenant was placed in the Most Holy of that temple.—1 Kings 6:1-38.

18. Did the ark of the covenant contain only the two stone tablets, or did it also hold other items?

19. 19 And he prepared the innermost room+ inside the house to put there the ark of the covenant of Jehovah.

20. The ark of the covenant was a sacred chest that was built at Jehovah’s direction and according to his design.

21. The priests who are carrying the ark of the covenant go right out into the middle of the dry river.

22. Even an object as holy as the ark of the covenant did not prove to be a charm for protection.

23. 3:4) In keeping with David’s orders, the ark of the covenant, symbolizing God’s presence, has been taken to Mount Zion.

24. + The two sons of Eʹli, Hophʹni and Phinʹe·has,+ were also there with the ark of the covenant of the true God.

25. High Priest Eli’s two wicked sons, Hophni and Phinehas, had marched out of Shiloh with the sacred ark of the covenant.

26. For almost 500 years, the ark of the covenant —a sacred chest that represented Jehovah’s presence— had no permanent resting place.

27. All this is symbolized in Aaron’s Rod that Budded, and that is why it was placed in the Ark of the Covenant

28. The ark of the Covenant was a sacred chest made by the ancient Israelites according to the command and design of God

29. The priests marched out first, bearing the ark of the covenant, which was carefully covered and which represented Jehovah’s presence with them.

30. High Priest Eli had two wicked sons, Hophni and Phinehas, who had marched out of Shiloh with the sacred ark of the covenant.

31. Ark of the Covenant, container for the tablets of the Ten Commandments; Torah Ark, a cabinet used to store a synagogue's Torah scrolls

32. The work of the Kohathite Levites brought them into close proximity with the sacred ark of the covenant and the furnishings of the tabernacle.

33. + 26 When the true God helped the Levites who were carrying the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, they sacrificed seven young bulls and seven rams.

34. So he said to Nathan the prophet: “Here I am living in a house of cedars while the ark of the covenant of Jehovah is under tent cloths.”

35. Also known as the Ark of Jehovah and the Ark of the Testimony, the Ark of the Covenant was an oblong chest or box made of wood overlaid with gold.

36. Shiloh was one of the main centers of Israelite worship during the pre-monarchic period, by virtue of the presence there of the Tent Shrine and Ark of the Covenant.

37. Solomon has the ark of the covenant put in the inside room of the temple, and the other things that were kept in the tabernacle are put in the other room.

38. ‘A map showing the way to the Ark of the Covenant was burned into the palm of his hand when Washington grasped a medallion from the counter of a burning Barroom.’

39. Speaking to the prophet Nathan, David said: “Here I am dwelling in a house of cedars, but the ark of the covenant of Jehovah is under tent cloths.” —1 Chronicles 17:1.

40. (Psalm 25:8) Divine instruction given to the Israelites included ten important laws—the Ten Commandments—written on two stone tablets and kept in a sacred chest called the ark of the covenant.

41. Later, the Israelites bring the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem “with joyful shouting and with the sounding of the horn and with . . . playing aloud on stringed instruments and harps.” —1 Chronicles 15:28.

42. When David had the ark of the covenant brought to Jerusalem, his wife Michal “got to see King David leaping and dancing around before Jehovah; and she began to despise him in her heart.”

43. The apostle Paul mentions “the ark of the covenant . . . , in which were the golden jar having the manna and the rod of Aaron that budded and the tablets of the covenant.” —Hebrews 9:4.

44. + 28 All the Israelites were bringing up the ark of the covenant of Jehovah with joyful shouting,+ with the sound of the horn, with trumpets,+ with cymbals, playing loudly on stringed instruments and harps.

45. 25 Then David and the elders of Israel and the chiefs of the thousands were walking along to bring the ark of the covenant of Jehovah up from the house of Oʹbed-eʹdom+ with rejoicing.

46. Did the Queen of Sheba really call the town’s dusty streets home? Does the Ark of the Covenant that holds Moses’ 10 Commandments reside in a small Aksum chapel? Is one of the Three Wise Men really buried here?

47. It would, then, seem logical to conclude that some time after Israel entered the Promised Land and before the dedication of Solomon’s temple, Aaron’s rod and the golden jar of manna were removed from the ark of the covenant.

48. 18 He also gave the weight for the refined gold for the incense altar+ and for the representation of the chariot,+ namely, the cherubs+ of gold that spread their wings out and overshadow the ark of the covenant of Jehovah.

49. According to Talmudic sources, the tent sanctuary remained at Shiloh for 369 years until the Ark of the Covenant was taken into the battle camp at Eben-Ezer (1 Samuel 4:3–5) and captured by the Philistines at Aphek (probably Antipatris).

50. During the ceremonies of Timkat, the Tabot, a model of the Ark of the Covenant, which is present on every Ethiopian altar (somewhat like the Western altar stone), is reverently wrapped in rich cloth and borne in procession on the head of the priest.