arius in English


(256-336 A.D.) Greek Christian priest and theologian of Alexandria (Egypt) who claimed that Jesus was the first created being but was not God or divine (he was venerated for his asceticism)

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "arius" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "arius", or refer to the context using the word "arius" in the English Dictionary.

1. 6. Codex Aliment arius, (Vol.

2. Arian definition, of or relating to Arius or Arianism

3. Arius are brackish water to marine fish, which means a tank especially for them.

4. Arianism Major 4th-century Trinitarian heresy, originated by the teachings of the Alexandrian priest arius (d

5. Arianism definition, the doctrine, taught by Arius, that Christ the Son was not consubstantial with God the Father

6. Although he commanded 10,000 horsemen, Euthydemus initially lost a battle on the Arius and had to retreat.

7. Arius (250-336 C.E.) was an Alexandrian priest who argued that Jesus is inferior to the Father.

8. Arianism definition: the doctrine of Arius , pronounced heretical at the Council of Nicaea , which asserted Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

9. The Holy Fathers also Anathematised Arius for his heretical beliefs and teachings, cutting him off from the Church

10. Arianism – What is it? Arianism originates from a fourth century teacher named Arius who lived in Alexandria, Egypt

11. "Some 22 of the bishops at the council, led by Eusebius of Nicomedia, came as supporters of Arius.

12. In his masterly examination of Arianism, Rowan Williams argues that Arius himself was actually a dedicated theological conservative whose concern was to defend the …

13. Arianism, a theological system in the early Christian Church, named after Arius, a presbyter at Alexandria.In opposition to his bishop Alexander, Arius asserted that there was a time when the Son was not coequal, since the Father who begot must be before the Son who was begotten, and the latter therefore could not be eternal.

14. What does Arianism mean? The doctrines of Arius, denying that Jesus was of the same substance as God and holding instead that he was only the hig

15. Question: "What is Arianism?" Answer: Arianism is a heresy named for Arius, a priest and false teacher in the early fourth century AD in Alexandria, Egypt

16. Arianism is a doctrine that came from Arius, a priest who taught in Alexandria.To many Christians, the teachings of Arianism are heretical and are not the correct Christian teachings

17. As early as 320 or 321 Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria, convoked a council at Alexandria at which more than one hundred bishops from Egypt and Libya anathematized Arius, his deacon.

18. Arianism is a belief, though coined by Arius, older than the Catholic church, or the ecumenical councils of the early centuries of Christianity, even older than any belief in the Trinity

19. 1980, to bring the proceedings to an end and enable him to perform his salvatory mission, he swung into a Cabaletta which summed up the argument against Arius — Anthony Burgess, Earthly Powers; Translations

20. Arianism is the idea that Jesus Christ is not equal to the Father by nature, but He is the first creation of God. The founder of Arianism was Arius who died in 336

21. Arianism - heretical doctrine taught by Arius that asserted the radical primacy of the Father over the Son heresy, unorthodoxy - a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion theological doctrine - the doctrine of a religious group

22. Arian definition is - of or relating to Arius or his doctrines especially that the Son is not of the same substance as the Father but was created as an agent for creating the world

23. Answer: Arianism is a heresy named for Arius, a priest and false teacher in the early fourth century AD in Alexandria, Egypt. One of the earliest and probably the most important item of debate among early Christians was the subject of Christ’s deity

24. 1 Story 2 Gallery 3 Background 4 References Arius tries to obtain the Arcana in order to release Argosax, take his power, and become a god.12 The Arcana are four holy relics used to seal Argosax, and by uniting them at

25. Hypernyms ("Arianist" is a kind of): Christian (a religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination) Derivation: Arianism (heretical doctrine taught by Arius that asserted the radical primacy of the Father over the Son)

26. Ariánství či Arianismus je křesťanský teologické christologické učení nazvané podle alexandrijského kněze Areia (latinsky Arius, cca 260–336).Ariánské učení hlásá, že Ježíš Kristus je Boží syn, ale nebyl zde jako Bůh Otec od počátku, byl stvořen a je Otci stejně jako Duch svatý podřízen