arctic fox in English

a fox with a thick coat that turns white in winter, found on the tundra of North America and Eurasia.
Crested Auklet populations are declining due to predation at nesting sites by introduced predators such as Arctic foxes , red foxes, and rats.
    white fox

Use "arctic fox" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "arctic fox" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "arctic fox", or refer to the context using the word "arctic fox" in the English Dictionary.

1. Simply clamp the Bodkin over the elas Arctic Fox

2. We also come across tracks of the arctic fox.

3. The chicks are manna from heaven for an Arctic fox.

4. 12 The stock consists of the polar bear, arctic wolf, arctic fox, lemming, musk ox , and reindeer.

5. 19 This Arctic fox has been following a polar bear for days in hopes of leftovers from a kill.

6. The Adventures of Apun the Arctic Fox is an extension of her work to interest a wider audience to Arctic Science

7. They still hunt whales, walrus, caribou, seal, polar bears, muskoxen, birds, and at times other less commonly eaten animals such as the Arctic Fox.

8. Species of Arctic fox and Arctic hare, for example, are snowy white in winter but molt and grow a brownish or greyish fur coat during the summer months

9. 30 The Arctic is home to predators big and small. This Arctic fox has been following a polar bear for days in hopes of leftovers from a kill.

10. Aerial surveys were an efficient and accurate means of locating arctic fox dens in northern Alaska, but some error was introduced through the misidentification of arctic ground squirrel dens.

11. The Arctic fox is disappearing from the southern edge of the tundra as larger, more dominant red foxes move northward and lemming prey grow less abundant as temperatures warm.

12. Its range during the last ice age was much more extensive than it is now, and fossil remains of the Arctic fox have been found over much of northern Europe and Siberia.