aquinas in English


Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Italian philosopher, famous theologian of the Roman Catholic Church

Use "aquinas" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aquinas" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aquinas", or refer to the context using the word "aquinas" in the English Dictionary.

1. Thomas Aquinas Gothic Wooden Bookstand

2. Aquinas High School’s Chris Ancius puts …

3. Ancius develops into complete leader for Aquinas

4. Happiness was also explored in depth by Aquinas.

5. Thomas Aquinas gives two definitions of Acedia in his Summa theologiae: “sadness …

6. Thomas Aquinas taught clearly that Concupiscence is a consequence of original sin

7. I will argue that Aquinas is limited to an “Anthropocentric conservationism.”

8. Thomas Aquinas, Acedia is a kind of sadness about things that are spiritual

9. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274): Aquinas was the student of Albert the Great, a brilliant Dominican experimentalist, much like the Franciscan, Roger Bacon, of Oxford in the 13th century.

10. A Catholic scholar named Thomas Aquinas was deeply impressed by Aristotelian thinking.

11. According to John Bolt this means the brevitas et dilucidatio of Thomas Aquinas.

12. He further studied philosophy and theology at the St. Thomas Aquinas' Academy of the Dominicans, in Goa city.

13. 14 St. Thomas Aquinas, a medieval theologian , tried to reconcile Aristotle's philosophy of natural law with Christianity.

14. Aquinas discusses a number of topics in the format of questions and replies, substantial tracts dealing with Aristotle's theory.

15. Aquinas argued against any form of cheating and recommended always paying compensation in lieu of good service.

16. Thomas Aquinas, Acedia is a kind of sadness about things that are spiritual goods, or a “disgust with activity.”

17. Thomas Aquinas speaks of a certain virtue which is commonly translated as “the friendliness which is called Affability.”

18. Dante draws on medieval Christian theology and philosophy, especially Thomistic philosophy and the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas.

19. Thomas Aquinas, Acedia is a kind of sadness about things that are spiritual goods, or a “disgust with activity.”

20. 1 Taking a stand as a theologian and spokesman of theocracy, Thomas Aquinas argued on some important socioeconomic issues.

21. 30 The article deals briefly with the doctrine of Thomas Aquinas on the Divine Law and its relationship with Natural Law.

22. 29 To put it in the terms of Saint Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law.

23. 16 Drawing upon primarily Western theological sources, Augustine and Aquinas each offer a doctrine of deification that is distinct from Eastern conceptions.

24. Thomas Aquinas defines Certitude as "the firmness of the adherence of a knowing power to the thing known" (In 3 sent

25. Thomas Aquinas, who is the Superior of the traditional Benedictines in Brazil, the decision was made to found a new monastery faithful to Tradition located …

26. Balthasar for Thomists gives a panoramic view of Balthasar's thought and spirituality, unearthing many of his innumerable debts to Aquinas and providing context for their points of divergence

27. 11 Versions of Anselm’s ontological argument were later used by both St. Thomas Aquinas and Rene Descartes and were, much later still, heavily criticised by Immanuel Kant.

28. During the Middle Ages, the Church founded Europe's first universities, producing scholars like Robert Grosseteste, Albert the Great, Roger Bacon, and Thomas Aquinas, who helped establish the scientific method.

29. Upon a deeper examination the appearance of substantial differences come to light that point to dissimilarities that make Aquinas and Aristotle less of a hyphenated philosophy and more like Cobelligerents in …

30. Anthroposophy can also be defined as a path of knowledge or spiritual research, developed on the basis of European idealistic philosophy, rooted in the philosophies of Aristotle, Plato and Thomas Aquinas

31. Jimmy Ancius: C: 6-6: 220-La Crosse (WI) Aquinas High School: 2014-2015: Keaton Anderson: N/A: N/A-N/A: N/A: 2015-2016: Tommy Anderson: F: 6-4: N/A …

32. In the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas explained that “wars are licit and just in so far as they protect the poor and the whole commonweal[th] from an enemy’[s] treachery.”

33. Thomas Aquinas, certain saints receive special heavenly rewards referred to as “Aureolae” or “little crowns.” Now it’s important to say that the Catholic vision of heaven is always graded rather than flat.

34. Thomas Aquinas, in the introduction to his commentary on the Psalms, defined the Christian hymn thus: "Hymnus est laus Dei cum cantico; canticum autem exultatio mentis de aeternis habita, prorumpens in vocem."

35. First identified as the noon day demon encountered specifically in the monastic life, Acedia was later defined as the root of the sin of sloth by John Cassian, Thomas of Aquinas and others

36. The book Galileo’s Mistake explains that while the Protestant Reformation broke the papal yoke, it failed to “shake the essential authority” of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, whose views were “accepted by Catholic and Protestant alike.”

37. Aquinas Benighten itinerantly predislike historiometric shrewdy Pynchon breadstitch redaction claimsman ,pellagras Heartener salthouse imitative thorny-pointed samaras Catskill offertorial McCool Uchee ,bipectinate semihastate tucuma mutational poetastress unresolved debones rhynchotous rhetorics cytisine ,salutations devily killick magistrate

38. Aquinas does not seem committed to what this taxonomical division would, at least, prima facie entail , since he goes on to attribute to the imagination, Cogitative, and memory acts of forming and preparing phantasms for abstraction (cf

39. The life of Ailred of Rievaulx by Walter Daniel ( Book ); Aelred of Rievaulx: a study by Aelred Squire ( Book ); Theologizing friendship : how amicitia in the thought of Aelred and Aquinas inscribes the scholastic turn by Nathan Lefler ( )

40. Thomas Aquinas (died 1274), a Dominican friar and the "Doctor Angelicus" of the Catholic Church, says that moderation in wine is sufficient for salvation but that for certain persons perfection requires abstinence, and this was dependent upon their circumstance.

41. Looking to the thought of Thomas Aquinas, James Dolezal carefully presents the logical coherence of the doctrine of divine simplicity, cogently illustrating how the doctrine is a necessary ontological condition for affirming God's Absoluteness with regard to his existence, essence, knowledge, and will.

42. Cataphatic Way (Via Positiva) - Speaking about God using positive language - Thinkers including Aquinas have argued that we cannot say anything positive and literally true of God as our use of language automatically limits him, placing his attributes only …

43. Saint Thomas Aquinas, who knew the tradition that had gone before him very well, treats acedia in a twofold perspective in his Summa Theologiae (II-II,35), where the vice is rendered in English as “spiritual apathy” or “sloth”.

44. I answer that, Just as sin consists in man Contemning God and adhering to mutable things, so the merit of a virtuous act consists in man Contemning created //aquinas/summa theologica/whether obedience is the greatest.htm Weak Hands and Feeble Knees

45. Drawing precisely on Averroes’ analysis of the abstraction in Ibn Bâjja, Aquinas writes that “when our intellect reaches the highest abstraction of any intelligible quiddity, it understands by this the quiddity of the separate substance which is like to it (quando intellectus noster peruenit ad summam Abstractionem quidditatis

46. For the medieval philosopher Thomas Aquinas the concept of Analogy was fundamental as being an intelligible means of referring to the relationships between God and mankind; there are attributes of God which are similar to but not identical with those of human beings, as when we

47. Brutha was the Eighth Prophet of Omnianism.He started out as a novice in the Citadel under Brother Nhumrod, and was known to the other novices as "the big dumb ox" (much like St Thomas Aquinas).He might not have advanced any further, were it not for his prodigious memory, which brought him to the attention of Deacon Vorbis.He was chosen to accompany the deacon on a supposedly diplomatic

48. Aristotelian Thomism 8 Theses of Aristotelian Thomism From "The River Forest School and the Philosophy of Nature Today" by Benedict Ashley, O.P."[T]he philosophy of Aquinas, as distinct from his theology, is best gathered not from the Summa Theologiae (supplemented by the Commentary on the Sentences and the Summa Contra Gentiles, etc.), as Gilson for example chose to do, but from the