approach the city in English


come close to the city

Use "approach the city" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "approach the city" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "approach the city", or refer to the context using the word "approach the city" in the English Dictionary.

1. So he rejects the city approach, and he uses country approach to express feelings.

2. We'll use the superstructure of the city to mask our approach.


4. On the approach Of the enemy, the inhaBitants fled : from the city en masse.

5. As the sun nears its zenith, they approach a small city named Sychar, where they stop for refreshment.

6. According to a recent article on Detroit's approach - raze old buildings and establishing gardening, right in the city proper!

7. A newly Constituted City Council could change L.A.'s approach to homelessness Benjamin Oreskes 11/8/2020

8. Lastly, Ingolstadt is used to exemplify the approach that could be adopted in an historically important and attractive city centre.

9. Approach concepts cover all segments of the instrument Approach, i.e

10. Approach is the way you are going to Approach the project

11. 28 It evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of three approaches:the axiomatic approach, the welfare approach and the multi-dimensional approach.

12. The Allies approach.

13. The third approach is a crossbreed between the first and the second approach.

14. The Colligational patterns) and the DDL —an inductive or a process approach approach

15. The reactive approach is virtually always ultimately more costly than the preventive approach.

16. The Kocher-Langenbeck approach is an approach to the posterior structures of the Acetabulum

17. iii. MMRDA will identify / demarcate 40 acres of land retaining 24 acres of land for AAI, with clear access / approach from the nearby city road.

18. Note how different his approach was when he tried to dissuade a crowd in the city of Lystra from worshipping him and Barnabas as gods.

19. However, there is significant controversy over the optimal muscle-sparing approach: mini-posterior approach (MPA) or direct Anterior approach (DAA).

20. Their approach is to have a river basin approach.

21. So as these dt's approach 0, the number of rectangles actually approach infinity.

22. An airplane is cleared for a final Approach just as the wheels Approach the landing strip. Approach comes from the Latin word appropriare which means "go nearer to." You can physically Approach …

23. Analytical approach

24. An approach that cuts out the bureaucratic middleman. An approach that directly supports parents.

25. Tactical approach from the rear.