antiperistaltic in English


(Medicine) pertaining to antiperistalsis (reversed movement of the intestines resulting in an upward movement of their contents)

Use "antiperistaltic" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "antiperistaltic" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "antiperistaltic", or refer to the context using the word "antiperistaltic" in the English Dictionary.

1. Antiparallels Antiparalytic Antiparalytical antiparticle antipartticle Antipasch-- antipasto --Antipathetic antipathetical Antipathic Antipathist Antipathize Antipathous Antipathy Antipeptone Antiperiodic Antiperistaltic Antiperistasis Antiperistatic antipernicious anemia factor …

2. Antiparallels Antiparalytic Antiparalytical antipartticle Antipasch Antipathetic Antipathic Antipathist Antipathize Antipathous Antipathy Antipeptone Antiperiodic Antiperistaltic: Antiperistasis Antiperistatic Antipetalous Antipharmic Antiphlogistian Antiphlogistic Antiphon Antiphonal Antiphonary Antiphone Antiphoner Antiphonic Antiphony

3. Antipatriotically\v antipatriotic\A antipatriotism\N antipatriot\N antipedal\A antiperiodic\AN antiperistalsis\N antiperistaltic\A antipernicious anemia factor\h antipersonnel\A antiperspirant\NA antipestilence\A antipestilential\A antipestilently\v antipestilent\A antipetalous\A Antiphas\N Antiphates\N antiphilosophically\v antiphilosophical\A