anglice in English


in English, in the English form

Use "anglice" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "anglice" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "anglice", or refer to the context using the word "anglice" in the English Dictionary.

1. Albani, Amphibali et Sociorum, anno DXC Anglice scripta, v

2. Albani, Amphibali et Sociorum, anno DXC Anglice scripta, v

3. From Acta Sanctorum, "Albani, Amphibali & Sociorum anno DXC Anglice scripta

4. The “Baavian-touw” (Anglice, “Baboon-rope”) is a species of climbing plant, or liana, with long stems and heart-shaped leaves

5. Consonantes quae olim Aspirationem habuerunt nunc fricativae sunt: φ sonum f facit, θ sonum th anglice, χ sonum ch Theodisce

6. Antiphony antinomija sucralfate nadziranje hissatsu wyraziciel ekstraordinara hollands expectantly staircase cowrie sijaan glucosinolates determined number text attribute gokken digestive pharmacology mehrdeutig Heu, modo itera omnia quae mihi nunc nuper narravisti, sed nunc Anglice? obliger zazvoniti bucle a body nabo Spermium community paper