and afterwards in English

and then, after which

Use "and afterwards" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "and afterwards" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "and afterwards", or refer to the context using the word "and afterwards" in the English Dictionary.

1. We saw the film and afterwards walked home together.

2. And afterwards, we go get ice cream that fattens.

3. Will open Cowsheds in urban areas and afterwards, govt

4. A priest performed an exorcism and afterwards the ghost disappeared.

5. Afterward and Afterwards are adverbs that are synonymous with the word later

6. And afterwards he revealed he had told Sir John not to implement internment.

7. We had tea, and afterwards we sat in the garden for a while.

8. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' George, son of Richard Plantagenet and afterwards Duke of Clarence.

9. The specialty-ku neutrons emit only impulse number and afterwards I hope will not actually "figure vomit.

10. Promoted to colonel he commanded the 28th Infantry Regiment and afterwards the 19th brigade as a major general.

11. During the peaceful revolution of 1989 and afterwards, his advice and engagement were in demand in a larger setting.

12. Dingemans De-Bittered Black is roasted at high temperature and afterwards rapidly cooled when the desired color is achieved

13. The sinking stomach pains which heralded this loss were always welcome to me, and afterwards I would feel triumphantly clean.

14. In October he passed the first part of the examination for ordination, and afterwards could not understand how he passed.

15. THE Bagnio MISCELLANY Containing the Adventures of Miss Lais Lovecock, written by herself and what happened at Miss Twigs Academy and Afterwards

16. He made many more observations of it, and afterwards Russian Academician Anders Lexell computed the orbit and found it to be probably planetary.

17. The pupils then must calculate them with help of the 3D objects and afterwards they could compare their result with the computer's one.

18. / ˈæf.tɚ.wɚdz / (US usually afterward) A2 after the time mentioned: We had tea, and Afterwards we sat in the garden for a while.

19. There is no difference between afterward and Afterwards. Neither is more correct or incorrect than the other, and both appear throughout the English-speaking world

20. The words afterward and Afterwards have the same definition, and we use them as adverbs to modify other adjectives, verbs, phrases, or adverbs in a sentence

21. The words Afterward and Afterwards have the same definition, and we use them as adverbs to modify other adjectives, verbs, phrases, or adverbs in a sentence

22. As adverbs the difference between then and Afterwards is that then is (label) at that time while Afterwards is (temporal location) at a later or succeeding time

23. It was put up in wuld times by the relations of a malefactor who was tortured there by nailing his hand to a post and afterwards hung.

24. Every word ending in the directional suffix -ward has a parallel -wards form, 1 and Afterward and Afterwards are just one of many of these -ward/-wards pairs

25. As adverbs the difference between Beforehand and afterwards is that Beforehand is at an earlier or preceding time while afterwards is (temporal location) at a later or succeeding time

26. Yesterday, the family who left us the inside of the not far cabin here acted peevishly and afterwards the things of inside was all thrown to come out.

27. Noticed the fellow, and afterwards told the Bey, who instantly ordered him to receive two hundred Bastinadoes , and to be put in chains; but, just as they had begun to whip him, R

28. For example, soil is irrigated (801) to ensure proper moisture for tilling (802) and afterwards is allowed to dry (803) by exposure to the sun or is dried artifically with heated air.

29. 3), and afterwards introduced into several English Shields, is best known as the Armorial ensign of the DAUPHIN, the eldest son and heir apparent of the Kings of France, who bore, marshalled with the

30. National focal points identified during the Year and afterwards by their Government are requested to collaborate with the Special Adviser to provide a framework within which national, regional and international contacts and coordination may be fostered

31. My friend found a bug, if you put an Antinode into a dino and activate it and afterwards cryopod the dino, the dino will keep the stats from the Antinode and the Antinode item will disappear

32. We will here consider the law, in general terms, as it relates to the condition, duties, and rights of Children; and, afterwards, the extent which has been given to the word Child or Children by dispositions in wills and testaments.

33. The original Auteurists had no hard and fast notion about "style" and indeed were criticized in their time, and afterwards, for using the word "style" to play favorites while Moving the Goalposts to attack/defend those they liked/disliked

34. The surname Athelstan was first found in Kent where Athelstan or Æthelstan (895-940), was King of the West- Saxons and Mercians, and afterwards of all the English, was the son of Eadward the Elder, and of a noble Lady Ecgwyn

35. She was exposed by her father at birth in the wilds but was suckled by a she-bear and afterwards found and raised by hunters. Atalanta swore to defend her virginity and when two Kentauroi (Centaurs) burst into her grove, she slew them with arrows.

36. Aristarchus ( *)Ari/starxos), the most celebrated GRAMMARIAN and critic in all antiquity, was a native of Samothrace.He was educated at Alexandria, in the school of Aristophanes of Byzantium, and afterwards founded himself a grammatical and critical school, which flourished for a long time at Alexandria, and subsequently at Rome also.

37. The conflicting interests of these touting gentlemen being of a nature to irritate their feelings, personal collisions took place; and the Commons was even scandalized by our principal inveigler (who had formerly been in the wine trade, and afterwards in the sworn Brokery line) walking about for some days with a black eye.

38. In one embodiment, a front part of the rail vehicle is extended, swung out and/or pushed out counter to the direction of impact, especially counter to the direction of travel, when these means are activated, and afterwards, the produced space is at least partially, in particular, completely filled with energy absorption elements.

39. Deuteronomy 21:13 - and turned aside the raiment of her captivity from off her, and hath dwelt in thy house, and Bewailed her father and her mother a month of days, and afterwards thou dost go in unto her and hast married her, and she hath been to thee for a wife:

40. A new method of manufacturing a fabric or a garment with a stone-washed or worn look, the method comprising coating the yarn or fabric or garment with a polymer, e.g. a xyloglucan, prior to dyeing and afterwards creating the abraded or worn look by enzymatic degradation of said polymer, e.g. by using a xyloglucanase.

41. As another instance of these bitter fruits of conquest, and perhaps the strongest that can be quoted, we may mention, that the Princess Matilda, though a daughter of the King of Scotland, and afterwards both Queen of England, niece to Edgar Atheling, and mother to the Empress of Germany, the daughter, the wife, and the mother of monarchs, was

42. ) This investigation was first published in 1824 in abstruse and difficult form, and afterwards (1826) more elaborately in the first volume of Crelle's Journal. Further state aid enabled him to visit Germany and France in 1825, and having visited the astronomer Schumacher (1780-1850) at Altona, he spent six months in Berlin , where he became intimate with August Leopold Crelle, who was then about to publish his mathematical journal.

43. But what raised public Astonishment to a climax, and set all conjecture at defiance, was the knowledge that the same stranger who had in the morning visited the Allees de Meillan had been seen in the evening walking in the little village of the Catalans, and afterwards observed to enter a poor fisherman's hut, and to pass more than an hour in inquiring after persons who had either been dead or gone away for more …