ametropia in English


defective refraction of light in the eye

Use "ametropia" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ametropia" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ametropia", or refer to the context using the word "ametropia" in the English Dictionary.

1. Barraquer for refractive treatment of high ametropia.

2. 2.3. Treatment of presbyopia and/or ametropia.

3. RLE is performed to correct high ametropia or aniseikonia.

4. Ophthalmic surgery microscope comprising a device for measuring refractive errors (ametropia)

5. The ametropia by over-correction with convexglasses causes a melioration of the perception of a metamorphoma.

6. The changes in the requirements for ophthalmological fitness primarily affect ametropia, anisometropia, color vision and phoria.

7. High myopia phakic intraocular lenses (IOL) have become an established means of surgical correction for high ametropia.

8. Long and short eyes are connected with high ametropia and constitute special problems for biometry and IOL calculations.

9. Therefore, it seems reasonable to perform additional refractive surgery to correct minimal spherical or cylindrical postoperative ametropia (bioptics).

10. Use of such lenses makes it possible to correct post-operative ametropia, residual astigmatism and achieve spectacle independence.

11. Phakic intraocular lenses are safe devices for correction of high ametropia, especially high myopia beyond the LASIK range.

12. In emmetropic eyes, deviation of axial length seems to be compensated by lens power and if this mechanism does not function, ametropia results.

13. These treatments are nowadays considered to be safe and effective standard procedures for surgical correction of mild to moderate ametropia.

14. At this time classical cataract surgery is further developing into refractive intraocular lens surgery to correct higher ametropia in clear lens or phakic eyes.

15. BACKGROUND: To assess the efficacy and safety of implanting a secondary toric intraocular lens in the ciliary sulcus to correct pseudophakic ametropia after penetrating keratoplasty.

16. Eyes that had previously been operated on, eyes with proliferative retinal disease, and eyes with an ametropia exceeding ±3.0 diopters were excluded from the study.

17. Phakic intraocular lenses (IOLs) are gaining popularity for refractive surgeons, since these IOLs are easy to implant and can correct high ametropia up to 20 D.

18. In addition to the established corneal procedures for correction of ametropia (excimer laser surgery or limbal relaxing incisions) sulcus supported pseudophakic supplementary IOLs can also be implanted.

19. The reason for this discrepancy is attributed to amblyogenic factors responsible for interfering with normal visual development. These amblyogenic factors are corneal edema, irregular astigmatism and non-corrected ametropia as monocular causes.

20. Group 1 consisted of 21 children already treated for amblyopia before orthoptic screening, group 2 of 26 children with target conditions newly detected by orthoptic screening, and group 3 of 32 children with newly detected moderate ametropia.

21. In both sexes there was a significant increase with age in the prevalence of ametropia in general and especially of myopia. The age-related prevalence varied from about 15 % in 10- to 11-year-olds, to about 45 % in 16- to 17-year-olds.

22. It is smaller when the ametropia depends on deviation from the normal of the refractive power of the lens than if it depends on the refractive power of the cornea or the length of the axis of the eye.

23. TREE LONDON THEAstigmic lens or cross-cylinder was first described by Stokes in 1849, but its popularisation and practical application to the methods of subjective testing of ametropia, is due to the insight of that" G.O.M." of American Ophthalmology, Dr

24. The invention relates to an ophthalmic surgery microscope (1) having an image beam path (9) for the imaging of a part of an eye (3) of a patient and a measuring beam path (25) for measuring a refractive error (ametropia) of the eye.

25. Amerce: to fine; to deprive; to punish ametropia: abnormal optical refraction amice: strip of fine linen worn as cloak or wrap by priest at mass amicicide: murder of a friend amidmost: in the very middle amidships: midway between the bow and stern of a ship ammeter: instrument for …

26. Problematical cases in spite of equal eye lengths in her eye pairs are patients presenting an unilateral cataract and an ametropia of the phakic fellow eye of 3 diopters or more. The same is true for patients showing an unilateral cataract for a planned pseudo-phakia and on the partner eye a conventionally e.i. an emmetropising and well tolerated contact lens corrected aphakia.

27. The present invention relates to an optical ocular system having imaging optics (16) that map an image generated in an object plane (9) such that a user can perceive the same in an image plane (15), wherein the imaging optics (16) comprise a first lens (10) having negative refractive power, and a deflection element (11) having positive refractive power, which is connected downstream of the first lens (10), effecting a folding of the optical path by means of a single reflection, wherein the first lens (10) and the object plane (9) form a first optical group (19), and a displacement unit (18) is provided, which can change the distance between the first optical group (19) and the displacement element (11) for the correction of spherical ametropia of the user.