alternative accommodation in English

other living quarters, another place to stay

Use "alternative accommodation" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "alternative accommodation" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "alternative accommodation", or refer to the context using the word "alternative accommodation" in the English Dictionary.

1. The local authority may assist you to obtain alternative accommodation.

2. Alternative accommodation is available in tents, which can be rented at the camp.

3. In some cases Roma were expelled and their houses demolished without providing any alternative accommodation.

4. The forced evictions, without provision of compensation or alternative accommodation, are completely contrary to international law.

5. Adequate prior identification, notification and consultation, and alternative accommodation are examined under the current drafting period.

6. The property proposals also include detailed provisions for adequate alternative accommodation and a preferential loans scheme for current users

7. The property proposals also include detailed provisions for adequate alternative accommodation and a preferential loans scheme for current users.

8. Alternative accommodation in the metropolitan area for a new breed of large steamships had become a matter of some urgency.

9. In a few communities, however, the Agency for Mediation in Real Estate Transactions (APN) has supported the return of ethnic Serbs by providing alternative accommodation.