alpha code in English

phonetic spelling

Use "alpha code" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "alpha code" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "alpha code", or refer to the context using the word "alpha code" in the English Dictionary.

1. 3-digit alpha code value description

2. State Alpha Code Abbre- viation Numerical Code

3. Province / Territory SGC Code Alpha Code Abbre- viation

4. Common English Name | Scientific Name | 3-Alpha Code |

5. vessel types: ISSCFV code (known as FAO alpha code)

6. gear types : ISSCFG code (known as FAO alpha code)

7. Use the codes of the standard ISO Alpha # code (ISO

8. SGC Code Province / Territory Alpha Code Abbre- viation Region Name

9. GFCM unique identifier (country ISO 3-alpha code + 9 digits, e.g. xxx000000001);

10. The alpha codes correspond to the international standard ISO 3166 2-alpha code.

11. The alpha codes correspond to the International Standard ISO 3166 2-alpha code.

12. The barcode consists of the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) and Pro-Bill number.

13. The standard International Country Code list is defined as a two (2) character Alpha code.

14. Exclusions are indicated by the sign"excl" followed by the country alpha code letters concerned.

15. The two alphabetic characters identifying the country authorising the UN marking as specified in the alpha # code of

16. This list states the country names (official short names in English) in alphabetical order as given in the ISO # and the corresponding ISO #-alpha-# code elements

17. As there are more than 17,500 possible valid combinations of the 26 characters of the English alphabet forming the 3-alpha code, the database can be further expanded using the same codification system.