alms-giving in English

(in historical or religious contexts) the practice of giving money or food to poor people.
benevolence in the form of almsgiving was encouraged

Use "alms-giving" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "alms-giving" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "alms-giving", or refer to the context using the word "alms-giving" in the English Dictionary.

1. However , the meditation on God , works of piety , and alms - giving are not forbidden to him .

2. 12 Third is zakat ( alms giving ). The poor is the god, a Muslim gives its neediest members.

3. Alms-giving and the gift of self should not be isolated and occasional acts, but the expression of brotherly union.

4. In that case the king has no right to meddle with the inheritance , but it is exclusively spent on alms - giving .

5. This system of begging and alms-giving to mendicants and the poor is still widely practiced in India, with over 400,000 beggars in 2015.

6. The first is Baksheesh as "alms giving." One of the 5 tenants of Islam is the giving of alms to the poor

7. 11 After alms giving listens also the face shows appear to be reluctant, so small number we are early did not produce, I look or contact springlet child.

8. This obligation of making gifts to God by alms-giving explains the occurrence of generous donations outside religious sites like temples and mosques to mendicants begging in the name of God.

9. A set of causes such as physical inability, mental derangement, personal or social maladjustment, poverty, custom of alms giving, unemployment, disruption of joint family, whether singly or in combination may produce a situation which may result in Beggary.

10. The law about murder is this : If the murderer is a Brahman , and the murdered person a member of another caste , he is only bound Law of murder to do expiation consisting of fasting , prayers , and alms - giving .