aliunde in English


from another place (Law)

Use "aliunde" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aliunde" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aliunde", or refer to the context using the word "aliunde" in the English Dictionary.

1. A little bird, little bird told one, a, a little knowledge, little knowledge is a dangerous thing, a, A little learning is a dangerous thing, Aliturgical, aliunde, alive, alive and kicking, alive to, alive with …

2. Locutions, idioms and examples i Accerse hostias arcesso a capite a Capua arcesso = to send from Capua aliunde aliquid arcesso arcesso aliquem capitis Athenis arcesso arcesso aliquem auxilio iudicio aliquem arcesso arcesso mortem arcesso aliquem in crimen alicuius rei arcesso mala ab Epidauro arcesso = to send for someone/something from Epidaurus a capite