air-raid shelter in English

a building or structure designed to protect people from bombs dropped during air raids.

Use "air-raid shelter" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "air-raid shelter" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "air-raid shelter", or refer to the context using the word "air-raid shelter" in the English Dictionary.

1. An air-raid shelter?

2. My air raid shelter.

3. It's an air-raid shelter.

4. On their way to air raid shelter

5. I ran to the air-raid shelter.

6. Maybe she was in an air raid shelter, Colonel.

7. Building an air-raid shelter is hungry work, Grace.

8. Ladies and gentlemen, this is an air raid shelter!

9. So where could we place an air-raid shelter?

10. Tom and Mary ran into the air-raid shelter.

11. So now it's an air-raid shelter, is it?

12. the basement holds the garage, storage rooms, and an air raid shelter.

13. The club in the one-time air-raid shelter doesn’t exist any longer.

14. The first night we, uh, broke into this air-raid shelter and slept there.

15. And Mrs Barden's got me doing all sorts for the new air-raid shelter.

16. The French ambassador and his attachés building an air raid shelter near the Berlin embassy.

17. The air raid shelter and the reception hall were designed to form a static symbiosis.

18. If necessary, it was announced, the building could be used for an air raid shelter.

19. The audience is requested to go to the air raid shelter at number 104, 104.

20. It is either a room for gassing already dead corpses, or it's an air-raid shelter?

21. When he ran out of money, Ter Braak committed suicide in a public air raid shelter.

22. The extra pressure bearing down on these intersections added strength and stability to the air raid shelter.

23. During World War II the stone cellar served as an air raid shelter for more than 120 people.

24. During the Second World War an air raid shelter for 80 people was built in the station forecourt.

25. Since she was blind, who would have taken the time to help her to the air-raid shelter?”

26. It was temporarily closed in 1940 during World War II to be used as an air-raid shelter.

27. I'm standing in a section of tunnel that was converted into an air raid shelter during World War ll.

28. Bombproof buildings··An air-raid shelter, a structure designed to give protection against air raids and bombs

29. They had also survived and together they spent the night in an air-raid shelter before returning to Nagasaki the following day.

30. Allegedly, on July 22 the man used sodium dichloroisocyanurate and sawdust to fumigate a disused air-raid shelter he planned to use for planting mushrooms.