aggregate demand in English

total market demand for goods and services

Use "aggregate demand" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aggregate demand" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aggregate demand", or refer to the context using the word "aggregate demand" in the English Dictionary.

1. 3.2 Aggregate demand

2. 1.4 Private consumption essential for aggregate demand

3. What are the determinants of aggregate demand?

4. This intermediate variable then affects aggregate demand.

5. 5 This intermediate variable then affects aggregate demand.

6. The problem is one of inadequate aggregate demand

7. Aggregate demand is falling sharply below aggregate supply.

8. 1 What are the determinants of aggregate demand?

9. This shifts the aggregate demand curve to the left.

10. How responsive is it to changes in aggregate demand?

11. Aggregate demand comprised two basic elements, investment and consumption.

12. It may therefore produce greater uncertainty about aggregate demand.

13. Aggregate demand and short-run aggregate supply price level AS

14. Rather, both are the results of declines in aggregate demand.

15. And fiscal policies were also necessary to support aggregate demand.

16. In both cases, the underlying problem is insufficient aggregate demand.

17. 4 How responsive is it to changes in aggregate demand?

18. 3 Aggregate demand comprised two basic elements, investment and consumption.

19. 2 It may therefore produce greater uncertainty about aggregate demand.

20. And targeting exchange-rate competitiveness doesn’t address the aggregate demand problem.

21. 19 What is the relationship between money supply and aggregate demand?

22. 18 Changes in money supply affect aggregate demand in three stages:

23. 9 As a consequence the equilibrium level of aggregate demand will fall.

24. 19 As a consequence the equilibrium level of aggregate demand will fall.

25. The largest component of US aggregate demand – the consumer – is on ice.

26. These movements reflect the late adjustment by businesses to changes in aggregate demand.

27. When aggregate demand falls short of aggregate supply, governments must increase public spending.

28. Achieving the appropriate level of expenditure is an issue of aggregate demand management.

29. It would not be right to encourage aggregate demand all over the EU.

30. Weak aggregate demand is the primary culprit for subdued GDP and employment growth.

31. It can be shown that the aggregate demand curve has a negative slope.

32. Together, these responses will support confidence, strengthen aggregate demand and facilitate needed adjustments.

33. Neo-Keynesians see investments, public and private, as merely another kind of aggregate demand.

34. 17 From the 1970s onwards governments restricted aggregate demand by a variety of means.

35. The decline in housing construction has added to the current shortfall in aggregate demand.

36. 15 Real wage cuts, by reducing aggregate demand, raise the level of Keynesian unemployment.

37. The serious problem of inequality was part of a real deficiency in aggregate demand.

38. Transport infrastructure investment could be accelerated by governments that decide to stimulate aggregate demand.

39. But what happens to the real wage rate following a fall in aggregate demand?

40. Monetary policy can also remain supportive of aggregate demand as inflation pressures remain subdued.

41. In a global economy with deficient aggregate demand, current-account surpluses are a problem.

42. FACTORS DETERMINING PRICE The long-run equilibrium Factors affecting aggregate supply and aggregate demand

43. Investment is one component of aggregate demand, along with domestic consumption and net exports.

44. Shifting income from those who would spend it to those who won’t lowers aggregate demand.

45. Prices in general will rise if, on average, either aggregate demand increases or supply decreases.

46. Clearly, deficient aggregate demand has played a role by reducing the incentive to expand capacity.

47. 16 This would reduce aggregate demand directly and thus reduce the transactions demand for money.

48. However, a larger labour force without overall aggregate demand would merely increase the unemployment rate.

49. Russian consumers are already scared and will cut their consumption, causing aggregate demand to contract.

50. Investment in infrastructure expands aggregate demand, and generates employment and growth in the short run.