after the fact in English

after the action, after the deed has already been done

Use "after the fact" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "after the fact" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "after the fact", or refer to the context using the word "after the fact" in the English Dictionary.

1. Accordingly, we will respond after the fact.

2. You clearly wrote that after the fact.

3. What's a little accessory after the fact between friends?

4. Well, criminal conspiracy, fraud, accessory after the fact, at the very least.

5. Critics have claimed that this prophecy must have been recorded after the fact.

6. Unable to find any evidence, he decided to build some after the fact.

7. You only get involved after the fact... when the victims are already dead!

8. Many couples wish they had hired a day-of Coordinator after the fact

9. Did his followers simply invent stories of these mighty acts after the fact?

10. Backronym Generator - Arthur Dick A Backronym is an acronym decided upon after-the-fact

11. It's obviously hard to tell after the fact, but the rages and the alcohol addiction...

12. ▪ How can we be sure that Bible prophecies were not written after the fact?

13. Is it possible that this was not a prediction but was actually written after the fact?

14. □ Why could the prophecy at Isaiah 13:19, 20 not have been written after the fact?

15. Azaria's father, Michael Chamberlain, was convicted as an accessory after the fact and given a suspended sentence.

16. In the post-processing approach, stored signals are combined after the fact to yield the full data matrix.

17. Prevention is generally more environmentally desirable and cost-effective than reaction after the fact, and should be prioritised.

18. If you were lying to the police, then you have been an accessory after the fact for all these years.

19. She was later charged with being an accessory after the fact to murder and hindering a police investigation and refused bail.

20. Nevermind — Cricut fully Abandons plans to make device owners pay subscription fee The after-the-fact change was incredibly unpopular among device owners.

21. I know that none of us want to be accessories after the fact of a human rights abuse in a global supply chain.

22. " Only after the fact did I realise that I had said the words penis and vagina and sex in a strained, sotto voce tone.

23. A Backronym, bacronym, or retronym, is an acronym where the words represented by the individual letters are chosen after the fact to justify the shortened version

24. The Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office charged Freeman with open murder alongside his then girlfriend, Camae Abrahams, who was charged as an accessory after the fact to …

25. Make sure you know a bit about fetishes before engaging in sex because nobody wants to find out their girlfriend has a scat fetish after the fact.

26. Henderson Pollard, pleaded guilty to two felony charges: conspiring to receive embezzled government property and being an accessory after the fact to possessing secret U. S. military documents.

27. Appling's girlfriend, Natalie Brooks Bannister, 28, of Jackson, is charged with accessory after the fact and lying to a peace officer in connection to the May 22 Detroit shooting.

28. Immediately after the fact, the White House released a statement saying that "The United States Government is profoundly shocked by the news of the assassination of President Olympio of Togo.

29. 25 Henderson Pollard, ( pleaded guilty to two felony charges: conspiring to receive embezzled government property and being an accessory after the fact to possessing secret U. S. military documents.

30. Whether it’s talking to a close friend or DMing your local Catcalls group, a good way of responding to a Catcall after the fact can be to tell someone what happened

31. Only after the fact did I realise that I had said the words penis and vagina and sex in a strained, sotto voce tone. This was also something my own mother would have done.

32. Miss Crane, the police have ruled your boyfriend's death an accident, but if you have reason to believe otherwise and you don't tell us, you can be charged with obstruction and accessory after the fact.

33. 29 Not only that, but the standard was an after-the-fact write-up, which meant that by the time it came to fix problems (such as odd version numbers) it was already too late.

34. While a “rule of reason” is applied to all Antedating evidence, it is exceedingly difficult in practice to assemble such evidence — years after the fact — on matters of conception and actual or constructive reduction to practice

35. ABB was unable to provide any documentation substantiating its ownership of the items of office equipment that it contends were stolen or destroyed, other than the inventory list that was prepared (after the fact) by its resident manager.

36. ‘they Affirmed that policies were to be judged by their contribution to social justice’ ‘That the company's technology deficit should be so publicly acknowledged affirms that it longs to catch up: it doesn't usually publicize tactical withdrawals until long after the fact.’

37. The term “Addendum” refers to any material that needs to be added to a document after the fact. This material is listed under the heading of “Addendum,” and is usually tacked on to the back of the document as its own separate mini document.

38. Coarsened Exact Matching Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM) is a Monotonoic Imbalance Bounding (MIB) matching method -- which means that the balance between the treated and control groups is chosen by the user ex ante rather than discovered through the usual laborious process of checking after the fact and repeatedly reestimating, and so that

39. Accessory before the fact - less formal synonym - English Only forum Among the finds was an Accessory - English Only forum An Accessory before and after the fact - English Only forum an Accessory to bribery, embezzlement, tax evasion and racketeering - English Only forum bath Accessory - English Only forum best kept Accessory - English Only forum

40. Afterward, Afterwards adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (after the fact) poi, dopo avv avverbio: Descrive o specifica il significato di un verbo, di una frase, o di parti del discorso: "Sostammo brevemente" - "Ho tirato la palla lontano"