aerial reconnaissance in English

survey technique in the discovery and recording of archaeological sites, reconnaissance survey

Use "aerial reconnaissance" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aerial reconnaissance" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aerial reconnaissance", or refer to the context using the word "aerial reconnaissance" in the English Dictionary.

1. Aerial reconnaissance equipment

2. • aerial reconnaissance services,

3. Aerial reconnaissance optics

4. UNMOVIC inspection team (aerial reconnaissance

5. Aerial reconnaissance equipment and apparatus

6. Optical aerial reconnaissance apparatus and instruments

7. The ARC's job was aerial reconnaissance.

8. I'm in Photographic Aerial Reconnaissance Interpretation.

9. He often does aerial reconnaissance for Dave.

10. Tell them the findings of aerial reconnaissance will follow.

11. Optical apparatus, equipment and instruments for aerial reconnaissance aircraft

12. ake flights that could be interpreted as aerial reconnaissance

13. Spotter planes made a preliminary aerial reconnaissance of the island.

14. Nonetheless, Russian drones continue to carry out flights of aerial reconnaissance.

15. � Latest information on the occupied territories as corroborated by aerial reconnaissance.

16. 6 Spotter planes made a preliminary aerial reconnaissance of the island.

17. "Spider’s Web," system of aerial reconnaissance developed by RNAS, 1917, 2, 2n.

18. An aerial reconnaissance camera system is disclosed which compensates for atmospheric dispersion.

19. Initially, the military potential of pigeon photography for aerial reconnaissance appeared attractive.

20. Aerial reconnaissance of the enemy position showed they were ready to attack.

21. Our aerial reconnaissance says,...... that there aren't any bigger troops in the area.

22. Aerial reconnaissance reports... that both the ore truck and mine have been destroyed.

23. • rapid mobility of troops and equipment on the battlefield, aerial reconnaissance and observation (Griffons)

24. The JF-17 can be used for aerial reconnaissance, ground attack and aircraft interception.

25. Project Aquiline was a secret 1960s CIA program to develop an unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicle.

26. The Air Force provided sustainment flights, aerial reconnaissance, and Arctic surveillance missions for the operation.

27. Air Training in Canada Aerial Reconnaissance Command of the Air Strategic Bombing and Tactical Airpower CreditsRightsLinkDisclaimer

28. So long as they remain expensive, conventional air photography will, however, continue to dominate aerial reconnaissance.

29. After an aerial reconnaissance to assess the damage, the volunteers streamed in —over a hundred strong.

30. The Germans maintained a fleet of Zeppelins that they used for aerial reconnaissance and occasional bombing raids.

31. A pin-sharp panoramic camera four times as powerful as any aerial reconnaissance cameras we've ever used.

32. In support of FARDC, MONUSCO conducted aerial reconnaissance to gather information about ADF installations and possible hideouts.

33. The Mission’s aerial reconnaissance capability is underresourced and further constrained by stringent, but essential, aviation safety rules.

34. At the time photographic aerial reconnaissance was possible but cumbersome, as it involved balloons, kites or rockets.

35. At the time, kite aerial photography had potential applications for aerial reconnaissance, but also for agriculture and archeology.

36. The Bell X-16 was a high altitude aerial reconnaissance jet aircraft designed in the United States in the 1950s.

37. While aerial reconnaissance revealed that the Turks were retreating, the Russian pursuit was not effective as it could have been.

38. The plan did not come to fruition, primarily because the German Navy relied on zeppelins for aerial reconnaissance, not seaplanes.

39. At best the amphibious raiders might have panoramic shots from aerial reconnaissance, or be given a flight over the target beach.

40. 5 At best the amphibious raiders might have panoramic shots from aerial reconnaissance, or be given a flight over the target beach.

41. For aerial reconnaissance and photography , the DIA will rely on the Indian Air Force ' s MiG - 25 R , Avros and Canberra aircraft .

42. The Prague-based CVUT has already developed a special computer programme for unmanned aircraft guidance that the US uses for aerial reconnaissance.

43. In 1911, he wrote the paper, "Aerial Reconnaissance in Kaisermanöver 1911: Its value and influence on leadership compared with the cavalry reconnaissance".

44. Admiral Inigo Campioni broke off the action because he mistakenly believed he was facing a superior force, the result of poor aerial reconnaissance.

45. The military version of the four-jet Boeing 707 is the platform for NATO's aerial reconnaissance system AWACS (Airborne Early Warning And Control System).

46. on United Nations Member States to pledge and contribute the helicopter, aerial reconnaissance, ground transport, engineering and logistical units and other force enablers required;

47. b) on United Nations Member States to pledge and contribute the helicopter, aerial reconnaissance, ground transport, engineering and logistical units and other force enablers required

48. The tiltable turntable, it was argued, is used to simulate and practise military countermeasures against aerial reconnaissance from a variety of angles and target ‘acquisition’.

49. French intelligence were informed through aerial reconnaissance that the Germans were constructing pontoon bridges about halfway over the Our river on the Luxembourg-German border.

50. At # hours Iraq time on # arch # the high-altitude aerial reconnaissance plane entered Iraqi airspace via the point of entry specified in Mr. Blix's letter ( # ), in other words the Batin area on the Iraq-Kuwait border