advanced stage in English

stage ahead, higher level

Use "advanced stage" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "advanced stage" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "advanced stage", or refer to the context using the word "advanced stage" in the English Dictionary.

1. c) Timber in an advanced stage of decomposition:

2. The corpse was in an advanced stage of decomposition.

3. Trading intuitively is the most advanced stage of development.

4. Aids is the most advanced stage of HIV disease

5. Aids is the most advanced stage of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)

6. steel-mill and Podgorica tobacco factory are at an advanced stage.

7. The infection was in a very advanced stage in eight cases.

8. But two years later, Kathleen was diagnosed with advanced-stage ovarian cancer.

9. Limitations in ADL or IADL function normally indicate an advanced stage of dementia.

10. Figure 32 Advanced-Stage Exploration Projects and Recent Mine Development in British Columbia, 2004

11. (c) The development and testing of the "mPassport Police” App is at the advanced stage.

12. Discussions on implementation modalities with the UNEP GRID-Arendal Centre are at an advanced stage

13. Grant of mining concession for the project is also at an advanced stage of processing.

14. This form of gum disease may not cause symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage.

15. 29 In advanced stage in 15 cases, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary interstitial fibrosis and pulmonary bullae.

16. The high ratio for neuroblastoma reflects the advanced stage at which this disease is frequently diagnosed.

17. For advanced-stage disease in patients with good liver function, systemic therapy with sorafenib is indicated.

18. Of these , 20 are complete and work is on in an advanced stage in 280 others .


20. This is a port to Hewlett-Packard's PA-RISC architecture, and it is in an advanced stage.

21. A strategic document on implementation of IMCI in the community is at an advanced stage of development.

22. The architect Georg Moller built a theatre with 2000 seats and advanced stage machinery, opened in 1819.

23. For example, when in Galilee, he was approached by a man in an advanced stage of leprosy.

24. Discussions in several other promising areas like thermal power plants, transportation and banking are in an advanced stage.

25. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of larynx is a rare malignant tumor that is often discovered at an advanced stage.

26. Pontellier sitting idle, exchanging occasional words, glances or smiles which indicated a certain advanced stage of intimacy and Camaraderie.

27. We are also in an advanced stage on the issues dealing with heritage as well as the school sector.

28. Aids stands for "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome."; Aids is an advanced stage of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus ()

29. IT Centre in Panama is being upgraded and that of Costa Rica is at an advanced stage of setting up.

30. 27 The International Olympic Committee has already given an interim thumbs up, with most venues at an advanced stage of completion.

31. Preparations for the digital switchover is in a very advanced stage and in 2007 Finland will fully switch to digital television.

32. Anuria is often related to kidney diseases, which develops from the acute stage (Oliguria) and then progresses to its advanced stage (Anuria).

33. Aids stands for “acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.” It is an advanced stage of HIV infection. Doctors identify Aids as having a CD4 count of …

34. The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project is being actively pursued and negotiations for the same are at an advanced stage.

35. Results: Fine structure of Yujinfang group was the same as that of blank group at nonage, but at metaphase and advanced stage these changed gradually.

36. We in MEA are also at an advanced stage of drafting a new bill on piracy that would help in the prosecution of captured pirates.

37. Periodontitis A more advanced stage of gum disease involving bone and ligament surrounding the teeth . If left untreated , it can damage the bone and supporting tissues .

38. Aids is the most advanced stage of infection caused by HIV. The names HIV and Aids can be confusing because both terms describe the same disease

39. The UK is also at an advanced stage of reforming public procurement policy to ensure that only legal and sustainable timber is purchased by public institutions.

40. The technology used in SARTRE is already at an advanced stage and the project partners predict that the system could be road ready in a few years.

41. 9 In the earlier period, it show mobile arthrosis ache , swelling and dysfunction; while in the advanced stage, it show arthrosis rigor, deformed, functional incapacitation or even disability.

42. It has been shown that human colon adenocarcinomas from patients with TLR4-D299G were more frequently of an advanced stage with metastasis than those with wild-type TLR4.

43. Both the strains showed selective delignification and the first symptom of degradation was defibration, separation of rays, and formation of boreholes on ray cell walls at an advanced stage.

44. As leprosy progresses toward its advanced stage, the swellings that initially develop discharge pus, the hair may fall from one’s head and eyebrows, nails may loosen, decay, and fall off.

45. So, we are tying these up and I thought I should give you a heads-up that these are in a fairly advanced stage of planning, what we are looking forward to.

46. * A One billion dollar Credit Line, the largest single such Line we have given to any country, is in advanced stage of implementation involving 15 projects, of which 200 million dollars has been converted to grant.

47. During the visit we are hoping that a MoU will be signed between their investment fund and NIIF (National Infrastructure Investment Fund) that we have created on our side which is at an advanced stage of discussions.

48. Adnex can differentiate benign tumours, borderline tumours, early-stage primary cancers, advanced-stage primary cancers (stages II IV) and secondary metastatic cancers , allowing patients to be triaged to the correct management pathway: conservative follow-up, surgery at a general gynaecology unit, management at high-volume specialised cancer

49. The government places considerable priority on combating illegal logging and related trade, and among other actions already taken, Denmark is at an advanced stage of producing guidelines for public procurement of tropical timber, aiming to ensure that only legal and sustainable timber will be purchased by public institutions.

50. As regards the visit of the Chinese Premier, when this question was asked last time I did answer that we are in discussions working out an appropriate date and the visit of the Chinese Premier to India is in an advanced stage in terms of discussions and planning for that.