adjunctions in English

the joining of two sets that without overlapping jointly constitute a larger set, or the relation between two such sets.
The problem of de Groot concerned compactifications of spaces by means of an adjunction of a set of minimal dimension.
the asserting in a single formula of two previously asserted formulae.

Use "adjunctions" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "adjunctions" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "adjunctions", or refer to the context using the word "adjunctions" in the English Dictionary.

1. Adjunctions In Section 1.4 we discussed Galois connections, which are Adjunctions between pre- orders

2. This paper concerns spherical Adjunctions of stable $\\infty$-categories and their relation to monadic Adjunctions

3. The Catsters, 7 lectures on Adjunctions

4. This package provides Adjunctions for Haskell

5. Adjunctions in an algebraic, calculational st yle

6. One can turn monads into Adjunctions and Adjunctions into monads, but one doesn't always return where one started

7. Adjunctions, an idea elaborated upon in an appendix

8. Some videos introducting Adjunctions and their relationship to monads.

9. What does Adjunctions mean? Plural form of adjunction

10. The “duality” involved in Adjunctions extends to 2-cells as well

11. Adjunctions are among the most important constructions in mathematics

12. Last time I shared a light introduction to Adjunctions in category theory

13. Pretalk Adjunctions and monads Weighted limits Algebras and descent data Monadicity and descent Homotopy coherent Adjunctions A homotopy coherent adjunction in an (1;2)-category K is a simplicial functor Adj !K

14. If this is so, are Adjunctions unique up to automorphisms of the identity functors, or we can find more Adjunctions still? category-theory adjoint-functors

15. 2 days ago · Characterization of Adjunctions via universal elements

16. Adjunction (countable and uncountable, plural Adjunctions) The act of joining; the thing joined or added

17. Adjunction (countable and uncountable, plural Adjunctions) The act of joining ; the thing joined or added

18. Chapter 1: Generative Effects: Orders and Adjunctions (PDF) 1.1 More than the sum of their parts

19. In this lightheaded post (written long time ago) I want to share with you some fundamental Adjunctions that are the "source" of various other Adjunctions that pop up all over in mathematics (well, at least all over algebraic topology)

20. We don’t see a lot of monads derived from Adjunctions in Haskell, because an adjunction usually involves two categories

21. For example, one of the more famous Adjunctions in Haskell is the adjunction between (,) r and (->) r.

22. For multivariable Adjunctions we thus need to combine the notions of multicategory, double category, and cyclic action

23. We begin with a proof of the 2/4 property of spherical Adjunctions in the setting of stable $\\infty$-categories

24. We then look further into these geometric Adjunctions at different levels of generality, from syntactic categories to (possibly infinitary) equational classes of …

25. W also attempt to pro vide some in tuitiv e understanding of Adjunctions b y v arious discussions

26. The proof is based on the description of spherical Adjunctions as 4-periodic semiorthogonal decompositions given by Halpern-Leistner and Shipman and by Dyckerhoff

27. What are some good examples of Kan extensions, Adjunctions, and (co)monads in analysis, Lie theory, and differential geometry? Since limits and colimits can be characterized as Kan extensions or Adjunctions, we have the obvious standard constructions: (co)products, (co)equalizers, etc., but these are common to a lot of categories we work with.

28. This leads to a variety of interesting other Adjunctions, including a chain of six (sometimes seven) adjoints involving the restriction functor to a

29. If and are inverse functors, the corresponding monad is the identity functor.In general, Adjunctions are not equivalences—they relate categories of different natures

30. Many of those concepts, when defined globally, are easier to express using Adjunctions. The simplest non-trivial example is that of the product

31. Adjunctions from Galois connections A preorder forms a category: the objects of the category are the elements of the set~, and between any two elements, there is a …

32. For more on monads and Adjunctions, try old episodes of The Tale of n-Categories(which will soon be made into a movie starring Emma Watson and Orlando Bloom).

33. Our vertical 1-cells will now be n-variable Adjunctions, which are the maps of a multicategory with a cyclic action that exchanges inputs and outputs.

34. Adjunctions-4.4.tar.gz [ browse] (Cabal source package) Package description (revised from the package) Note: This package has metadata revisions in the cabal description newer than included in the tarball

35. Adjunctions can be used to prove nontrivial results about graph colorings - this post probably contains sufficient background for reading a paper due to Foniok and Tardif on the subject, for example

36. Our in tended readership is familiar with the notion of category, functor, and naturalit y, and either ab out to learn Adjunctions or in terested a calculational approac h to category theory

37. We investigate certain Adjunctions in derived categories of equivariant spectra, including a right adjoint to fixed points, a right adjoint to pullback by an isometry of universes, and a chain of two right adjoints to geometric fixed points

38. Besides sporadic occurrences of Adjunctions and Galois connections in important mathematical theorems, we discuss diverse contributions to a systematical theory of adjunction and residuation, and we touch on various applications to topology, logic, universal algebra and formal concept analysis.

39. Now, ordinary Adjunctions are the morphisms of a 2-category AdjAdj(with an arbitrary choice of direction, say pointing in the direction of the left adjoint), whose 2-cells are compatible pairs of natural transformations (a fundamental resultbeing that either uniquely determines the other).

40. As expected, just as functors can be derived, the same is true for Adjunctions: (4.14)RF : D(A) → D(B), RF = δ B • F • R A , Derived Isbell dualityWe study a duality result between dg-modules (and also bimodules) which is a vast generalisation of the duality of vector spaces over a field.

41. The analogous category sitting inside Dial (Cat, Set) Dial(Cat,Set), where Set Set is regarded as an internal category in Cat Cat in the obvious way, would consist of “generalized Adjunctions” of the first sort, with simple functions A (a, g b) → B (f a, b) A(a,g b) \to B(f a,b) rather than isomorphisms