ad rem in English

relevant to what is being done or discussed at the time.
If you have no argument ad rem , and none either ad hominem, you can make one ad auditores; that is to say, you can start some invalid objection, which, however, only an expert sees to be invalid.

Use "ad rem" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ad rem" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ad rem", or refer to the context using the word "ad rem" in the English Dictionary.

1. Attornare, Procuratorem constituere ad rem quampiam

2. De veritate 1, 1: "Omnis cognitio perficHur per Assimilationem cognoscentis ad rem cognitam, ita

3. Absurdini viimine aprioorne teadmine Achilleus ja kilpkonn Aquino Thomas ad hoc oletus ad rem ja ad hominem argumendid argumentatsioon agnostitsism Aristippos Küreenest Ainesidemos Aristoteles Stageirast aisting, tajumus, kujutlus ajaloofilosoofia arusaamine ajaloo iroonia arvamus ja teadmine ajalooline materialism arvamuseõpetus Akadeemia asi

4. Aliquem ad rem excito adflictos excito aliquem a portu excito aliquem a mortuis excito ab inferis aliquem excito = to call someone again from the underworld (= call him back to life) aliquem de or e somno excito Animadversionem excito (e or ex) somno excito aliquem aciem traho (or excito) = to sharpen the eye excito