aclinic line in English

magnetic equator, an imaginary line paralleling the equator where a magnetic needle has no dip

Use "aclinic line" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aclinic line" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aclinic line", or refer to the context using the word "aclinic line" in the English Dictionary.

1. 1 synonym for magnetic equator: Aclinic line

2. The Aclinic line is also termed the magnetic equator

3. The Aclinic line is also termed the magnetic equator

4. The Aclinic line is a particular case of an isoclinic line

5. Aclinic line definition: → magnetic equator Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

6. An isoclinic line connects points of equal magnetic dip, and an Aclinic line is the isoclinic line of magnetic dip zero

7. Aclinic line definition, an imaginary line on the surface of the earth, close and approximately parallel to the equator, connecting all those points over which a magnetic needle shows no inclination from the horizontal

8. Aclinic line definition is - an imaginary line on the earth's surface roughly parallel to the geographical equator and passing through those points where a magnetic needle if suspended freely has no dip or inclination and assumes a horizontal position —called also magnetic equator.

9. Acknowledgment acknown acknows ACL acle acleidian Aclidian aclinal aclinic line a clip round the ear a closed book ACLS ACLU acmaea Acmaeidae acmatic acme acme harrow Acmeism acmeist Acmeist acmeists Acmeists acme thread acmic acmite acmonital acne acned acne rosacea Acnida Acnidaria Acnidosporidia acnidosporidian acoasma acoasmas acoasmata

10. Acinuni\p acinus\N Acis\N ack-ack\N ackee\N Ackerley\N Ackerman\N Acker\N ackeys\p ackey\N Ackler\N Ackley\N acknowledgeable\A acknowledgedly\v acknowledged\t acknowledger\N acknowledge\t acknowledging\t acknowledgment\N ackton\N ack\N acleistocardia\N acle\N aclinic line\h ACLS\N ACLU\N acmesthesia\N acme\N acmic\A acmite\N Acmon\N acnemia\N