accommodationist in English

a person who seeks compromise with an opposing point of view, typically a political one.
Black accommodationists believed that by persuading ordinary blacks to accept their exploitation and keeping them out of the ‘white man's union’ they could create space for their own progress within the confines of a segregated South.

Use "accommodationist" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "accommodationist" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "accommodationist", or refer to the context using the word "accommodationist" in the English Dictionary.

1. Accommodationist in a sentence - Use "Accommodationist" in a sentence 1

2. Accommodationist - find the meaning and all words formed with Accommodationist, anagrams with Accommodationist and much more.

3. Accommodationist in a sentence - Use "Accommodationist" in a sentence 1

4. Yet another Accommodationist writes in

5. Accommodationist definition is - favoring or practicing accommodation or compromise

6. What does Accommodationist mean? Information and translations of Accommodationist in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

7. Words That Rhyme with Accommodationist

8. Accommodationist: Meaning and Definition of

9. Accommodationist - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums

10. Click for more sentences of Accommodationist

11. Israel's Accommodationist government wants peace almost at any price.

12. Israel's Accommodationist government wants peace almost at any price

13. Definition of Accommodationist in the dictionary

14. Called a black Accommodationist and entrepreneur, Isaiah T

15. This theory highlighted the Accommodationist philosophy he became well known for

16. Hold a more Accommodationist view of the Religion Clauses as a whole

17. WHY I AM AN Accommodationist AND PROUD OF IT with Karl E

18. On the whole, the Accommodationist position has been dominant in U

19. Accommodationist (plural Accommodationists) someone who accommodates an opposition and compromises their own stance in attempt to discredit their opposition

20. Accommodationist definition: a person who seeks to promote adaptation to or compromise with an opposing point of view Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

21. The Non-Self-Governing Territory of French Polynesia was led by an “Accommodationist” government that provided its people with only the illusion of …

22. In the Catholic Church in the United States today, virtually all discussion happens within the Accommodationist, Christ-of-culture school

23. The Accommodationist approach to the separation of church and state opposes the separationist approach which has been dominant in the courts

24. I like the label of “Accommodationist” because it points right at my own view that nonbelievers have a big responsibility towards religious believers

25. Accommodationist definition, a person who finds it expedient to adapt to the opinions or behavior of the majority of people, especially as a means of economic or political survival

26. Washington believed in self-empowerment for all Blacks and his methods have led scholars to describe him as an “Accommodationist.” Du Bois, on the other hand, believed that the “Talented

27. Washington was known as a racial Accommodationist. He rejected the pursuit of political and social equality with whites in favor of developing vocational skills and a reputation for stability and

28. Agitations goes beyond the traditionally acknowledged divide between integrationist and accommodationist wings of African American politics to explore the diverse fundamental ideologies and strategic outcomes among African American activists that still …

29. Agitations goes beyond the traditionally acknowledged divide between integrationist and accommodationist wings of African American politics to explore the diverse fundamental ideologies and strategic outcomes among African American activists that still …

30. While both Du Bois and Washington shared a commitment to black self help, Du Bois joined with black activists to form an organization that would provide Americans with an alternative to what he saw as the "Accommodationist" policies of Booker T

31. In making my argument with Coyne, I accept the label " Accommodationist," a catch-all term -- intended to be derogatory -- for people who believe there is intellectually defensible space in between the opposing positions represented by Coyne and Mohler.

32. Peters, “The ‘Ghosts’ of IRAS Past and the Changing Cultural Context of Religion and Science”; Michael Ruse, “Why I Am an Accommodationist and Proud of It”; Nancy Ellen Abrams, “A God That Could Be Real in the New Scientific Universe”; Whitney Bauman, “Religion, Science, and Globalization: Beyond Comparative …

33. Those proposing Accommodationist views claim that concordist views try to force an agreement between the histories of nature described in scripture and in science — with solar day creationists (young earth) first using Bible interpretation to get a history of nature and then adjusting science to make it fit, while day-age creationists (old