accent mark in English


diacritical mark, mark placed above or below a letter to show how it is to be pronounced (used in Arabic, Spanish, etc.)

Use "accent mark" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "accent mark" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "accent mark", or refer to the context using the word "accent mark" in the English Dictionary.

1. And the appropriate parties to be angry with for Hernández’s Twitter and Instagram handles not having the accent mark are Twitter and Instagram for being Anglocentric in their platforms.

2. • Circumflex: Curved like a bow • The Circumflex is a diacritic in the Latin • (sur´kәm-fleks) curved like a bow • Accent mark placed above vowel to indicate sound change • Verb and adjective, Latin circum = around, and flexere = to bend • Describing an arc of a circle or that which winds around something

3. Aperitif: More a culinary term than a specific beverage.We use the word in English in almost exactly the same way as its original in French — they differ by only an accent mark, with the French spelling apéritif.The Concise Oxford Dictionary says it is an “alcoholic drink as appetizer,” reflecting the word’s ultimate Latin origin in aperire, to open.