absolute advantage in English

the ability of an individual or group to carry out a particular economic activity more efficiently than another individual or group.
If absolute advantage rules, capitalism itself will redistribute income and wealth from rich countries to poor ones.

Use "absolute advantage" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "absolute advantage" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "absolute advantage", or refer to the context using the word "absolute advantage" in the English Dictionary.

1. Environmental factors give you an absolute advantage.

2. In gravure products in North America largest absolute advantage.

3. This theory expanded on the concept of absolute advantage.

4. Also please refer to Adam Smith’s idea of absolute advantage.

5. Compofactur NotenSatz« commits your music polished to paper! Absolute advantage for Arrangers,...

6. The absolute advantage is estimated to be about ECU 12500 million per year.

7. From this viewpoint, the various functions they carry out are an absolute advantage.

8. What is the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage in international trade?

9. The technical superiority of the Europeans' weapons gave the Europeans an absolute advantage.

10. LTD. of Japan in Zhejiang Province, it has an absolute advantage in freight.

11. In flexographic printing, the scope of application of water - based inks, and absolute advantage.

12. Domestic operators have absolute advantage in the soft switch - related equipment market at large.

13. The gains from trade are based on comparative advantage,[sentence dictionary] not absolute advantage.

14. MELLOW and cost - effectively have absolute advantage, this advantage reflected in color, fluency, and price.

15. Traditional comparative advantage went through three steps: absolute advantage, comparative advantage and factor endowment theory.

16. The person who can produce a good with a smaller quantity of inputs has absolute advantage.

17. An absolute advantage for the patient. The design which adjusts itself facilitates the insertion of the cover denture safely.

18. Norm feels that his past experience in restoration and new construction has given him an absolute advantage in the marketplace.

19. Mercantilists failed to understand the notions of absolute advantage and comparative advantage (although this idea was only fully fleshed out in 1817 by David Ricardo) and the benefits of trade.

20. Even though there were certain methodological difficulties, the results have demonstrated that rail had an absolute advantage regarding delivery time on overland Euro-Asian routes versus the maritime ones, in addition to certain cost advantage.