ablatio in English


(Latin) separation; removal

Use "ablatio" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ablatio" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ablatio", or refer to the context using the word "ablatio" in the English Dictionary.

1. These “copies of ablatio falciformis” are: 1.

2. According to Weve the name of ablatio falciformis should be applied to congenital retinal folds only.

3. With surgery controlled by microscope we have reduced the frequency of ablatio auris in favor of partial resection.

4. The adhesions might be the reason of total retinal ablatio acting as a major oral dialysis in untreatable cases.

5. Until now there are only a few investigations about the incidence of ablatio retinae after YAG-capsulotomy.

6. Four retinal disorders of postnatal origin and similar to the genuine ablatio facliformis congenita (Weve) are being presented.

7. Other postoperative complications included ablatio retinae (5 eyes) anterior uveitis (3 eyes), induced cataract (2 eyes) vitreous hemorrhage (1 eye).

8. In Germany a statement from the medical profession has long been demanded on the question of the general ablatio praeputii among new born boys (16, 23, 30).

9. Therefore we began our inquiry in an intensive manner to the physicians of our patients to get the outcome of YAGcapsulotomy, specially the incidence of ablatio retinae.

10. In one female this disease leads to a total ablatio of the retina, in the other female this could be prevented.

11. In the early investigations to this subject the estimations of ablatio risk were too low, newly estimations in our opinion are too high.

12. It was recommended that any new RF ablation devices should be compared to existing RF ablatio n technology employing a prospective randomized controlled trial design rather historical data.

13. Complications were slight distorsion of the pupil by the iris sutures (3 patients), iris capture (1 patient), posterior synechiae (1 patient), ablatio chorioideae (1 patient), seclusio pupillae (1 patient).

14. We prefer simple mastectomy for stage I and ablatio mammae (method of Rotter-Halsted) for stage II to extirpate as precisely as poBible the lymph nodes of the apex and the interpectoral nodes.

15. (3,0%), Duncker et al. (3,6%) and Rickman-Barger et al. (3,6%) do show a higher risk in ablatio retinae than the inquiry of our cases. In order to explain its difference we may stress two reasons.