a little too much in English

slightly exaggerated

Use "a little too much" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "a little too much" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "a little too much", or refer to the context using the word "a little too much" in the English Dictionary.

1. With a little too much whipped cream.

2. Ok, you've been burdened with a little too much matter.

3. Isn't this a little too much for collecting 2000 Won?

4. Verily, these pious Anathematisers task our credulity a little too much

5. Verily, these pious Anathematisers task our credulity a little too much

6. Verily, these pious Anathematisers task our credulity a little too much

7. I was getting a little too much love from my fans.

8. Maybe it looks like a horse that's eaten a little too much.

9. If you wear Brief shorts, you are showing a little too much leg.

10. The King of Crags maybe focuses a little too much on the dragon flights and the intrigue.

11. Attempt this in a gentle turn as well, and in a gentle turn with a little too much rudder.

12. A little too much wind, and everyone patting his hair back into place inside the door of the register office.

13. Barfing AND PUKING EXPLOSION!That time barfed all over me! I think he drank a little too much pool water! Have you ever puked in public?#stowedstuff #stoweds

14. An Americano cocktail is a Negroni that soaked up a little too much Italian sunshine, and now, woozy and contented, would like to cool off with something not …

15. Bootlegger brings on a dazed and sleepy, yet still functional, high that is almost like the feeling you get when you've had just a little too much to drink.

16. Abraham loved Isaac with all of his being, and in fact, perhaps idolized him a little too much, because God put Abraham to the test, telling him to sacrifice his only son

17. W hy Betaine HCl Plus Pepsin? Whether from eating a little too much, eating on the go, or just eating trouble foods, more than 25 million adults experience stomach discomfort on a daily basis

18. Verily, these pious Anathematisers ask our credulity a little too much.' In their zeal for the God of Israel, they are apt to forget that only Himself can compass impossibilities, and altogether lose sight of the fact that where, who, or what Jehovah is, no man knoweth