thresholds in Germany

thresholds [θreʃhouldz] Schwelle

Sentence patterns related to "thresholds"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "thresholds" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "thresholds", or refer to the context using the word "thresholds" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. MPO thresholds, release-based thresholds, and activity-based thresholds.

2. - S thresholds removed in all activities;

- S: Schwellenwerte in allen Tätigkeitsbereichen abgeschafft;

3. Information and alert thresholds for ozone

Informationsschwelle und Alarmschwelle für Ozon

4. the frequency thresholds for its activation; and

die Frequenzschwellenwerte für die Aktivierung; und

5. Unmet basic needs: thresholds definitions, aggregation problems.

6. The conditions are preferably timers or adaptive thresholds.

7. The software product generates alarms when thresholds are exceeded.

8. (a) the frequency thresholds for its activation; and

a) die Frequenzschwellenwerte für die Aktivierung; und

9. Aluminium doors, thresholds for doors, windows and their frames

Tore, Türen, Fenster, deren Rahmen und Verkleidungen, Tor- und Türschwellen, aus Aluminium

10. Switchable junction with intrinsic diodes with different switching thresholds

11. These thresholds are system defined, and you cannot adjust them.

Diese Grenzwerte werden vom System definiert und können nicht geändert werden.

12. Blueprint Tier Framework Thresholds Upon Meeting Statewide Vaccine Equity Metric Goals

13. The software product (115) generates alarms when thresholds are exceeded.

14. These thresholds vary depending on the reporting currency in your account.

15. When extending the directive as regards limit values for pollutants, the provisions concerning alarm thresholds should also be extended, because at this stage the thresholds refer only to SO2.

Bei einer Erweiterung der Richtlinie hinsichtlich der Grenzwerte für Schadstoffe sind auch die Vorschriften über Alarmschwellen zu erweitern, weil sich Alarmschwellen jetzt zunächst nur auf SO2 beziehen.

16. However, noise limits must be considered maximum acceptable thresholds, not comfort levels.

Lärmgrenzwerte sind jedoch als akzeptable Hoechstwerte anzusehen und nicht als ohne Weiteres zu ertragende Werte.

17. The alert boxes now display correctly when the two thresholds don't equal.

18. Afferents with activation thresholds of ≥20 g were classified as high threshold

19. Adjusting thresholds might consist of any or a combination of the following:

20. Directive 2010/75/EU covers industrial activities carried out above certain thresholds.

Die Richtlinie 2010/75/EU gilt für industrielle Tätigkeiten, bei denen bestimmte Grenzwerte überschritten werden.

21. Measures required in the event of information or alert thresholds being exceeded

Bei Überschreitung der Informationsschwelle oder der Alarmschwellen erforderliche Maßnahmen

22. The model is basically a pole model which includes the anomalous thresholds.

23. The table below lists the different thresholds for each reporting currency.

24. Hopefully these Beneficials will keep these aphids well below treatment thresholds

25. These were all undetected by normal thresholds which would be applied to data.

26. ·Adjustment of time thresholds; mandatory transferability of accumulated entitlements; aggregation of periods;

·Anpassung der Zeitschwellen; obligatorische Übertragbarkeit der aufgebauten Ansprüche; Zusammenrechnung von Zeiten;

27. Levels of ammonia, nitrites and phosphates were mostly below the accepted thresholds.

Ammoniak-, Nitrit- und Phosphatwerte lagen meist unter den zulässigen Grenzwerten.

28. TECAP thresholds are used to predict threshold levels for speech processor maps.

TECAP-Schwellen werden zur Schätzung von Schwellen bei der Sprachprozessorprogrammierung verwendet.

29. However, Google will not display data that falls under certain minimum thresholds.

30. b) the employee thresholds for the given activity (column # subsection (c) below

31. This sensor adjusts the charging thresholds to the temperature variations of the battery.

Sonde welche das Ladeniveau den Temperaturvariationen der Batterie anpasst.

32. When these thresholds are activated, the process set out in paragraph 2 shall apply.

Bei Erreichen dieser Schwellen ist das Verfahren von Absatz 2 anzuwenden.

33. Limits for the adjustment for the thresholds, referred to in Article 10(2)

Grenzen für die Anpassung der Schwellenwerte gemäß Artikel 10 Absatz 2

34. preparation, submission, review and approval of proposals for inscribing absolute sectoral emission thresholds;

35. At that time, these thresholds were shipments of 25, 50 and 100 railcars.

36. Emergency funding requests mainly driven by spikes in demand above pre-planned thresholds

37. What are the thresholds between science and its ability to shape our emotional landscape?

38. These funds have no minimum purchase thresholds and no fees for retail Brokerage account holders

39. In basic scientific studies, ABRs are commonly used to determine hearing thresholds in animal models.

In grundlagenwissenschaftlichen Studien werden BERA regelmäßig zur Hörschwellenbestimmung der jeweiligen Tiermodelle eingesetzt.

40. That's why every ad needs to meet the Ad Rank thresholds in order to show.

41. All thresholds are exclusive of VAT and are adjusted in ecu terms every two years.

In all diesen Fällen ist die Mehrwertsteuer noch nicht einberechnet, außerdem müssen die Werte in ECU alle zwei Jahre neu festgesetzt werden.

42. Previous studies have used indices of stock area based on thresholds of absolute density.

43. Weaknesses in tendering, awarding bids, exceeding thresholds, administrative control and taking over own contribution

Mängel bei den Ausschreibungen, der Auftragsvergabe, der Einhaltung von Schwellenwerten, der Verwaltungskontrolle und der Übernahme des Eigenbeitrags

44. Some relation between size of adenoids and thresholds of hearing has also been shown.

45. Audiograms are created by plotting the thresholds at which a patient can hear various frequencies

46. Introduce a systematic adjustment of country classification thresholds at the beginning of each programming cycle;

47. The size thresholds were set according to the amount of passenger traffic on a given route.

Die Mindestgröße der Luftfahrzeuge wurde je nach Anzahl der Fluggäste auf einer bestimmten Strecke festgelegt.

48. Developing countries may propose absolute sectoral emission thresholds, as part of their low-emission development strategies

49. In addition, income thresholds and eligibility criteria were revised, and absolute and abject poverty lines developed.

50. Ad-hoc queries of your data are subject to the following general thresholds for sampling:

Bei Ad-hoc-Datenabfragen gelten für die Stichprobenerhebung diese allgemeinen Schwellenwerte: