this does not apply to you in Germany

this does not apply to you [ðaizdouznoutəplaitoujau] das gilt nicht für dich

Sentence patterns related to "this does not apply to you"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "this does not apply to you" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "this does not apply to you", or refer to the context using the word "this does not apply to you" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. What I have said does not apply to you.

2. This Personalised advertising policy does not apply to Gmail ads.

3. The convention does not apply to us.

4. However, this characteristic, which does not apply to all herbs, does not negate the need to adhere to a safe dosage.

5. The GDPR does not apply to Anonymised information

6. This Title does not apply to live marine gastropods and live Holothuroidea that are not filter feeders.

Er gilt hingegen nicht für lebende Meeresschnecken und lebende Seegurken, die keine Filtrierer sind.

7. The theory does not apply universally.

8. Note: This policy does not apply to price qualifications that are required by local law.

9. An ADA does not apply leverage to the FBI.

10. It does not apply to people ordained before 2004.

11. This freedom of charge does not apply to external costs such as advertisements or travel fees.

Diese Kostenfreiheit bezieht sich nicht auf externe Kosten wie z.B. Inserate und eventuelle Reisegebühren.

12. This paragraph does not apply to value added tax systems and border tax adjustments related thereto.

Dieser Absatz findet auf Mehrwertsteuersysteme und einen in deren Rahmen gewährten steuerlichen Grenzausgleich keine Anwendung;

13. (This fee does not apply to a party to the proceeding or that party's counsel or agent).

14. This Regulation does not apply to explosive detection dogs when used as alternative means of screening

Diese Verordnung gilt nicht für Sprengstoffspürhunde, die als alternatives Mittel für Kontrollen eingesetzt werden.

15. The Financial Administration Act does not apply to the Account.

16. ML7.g. does not apply to personal radiation monitoring dosimeters.

Unternummer ML7g erfasst nicht Strahlendosimeter für den persönlichen Gebrauch.

17. Does it apply to others, or does it apply to us?

18. The sizing scale does not apply to trusses of tomatoes.

Diese Größenskala gilt nicht für Rispentomaten/Rispenparadeiser.

19. So the concept of modesty simply does not apply to Jehovah.

20. 8 How does all of this apply to “Jerusalem above”?

21. 7 Does non-proliferation apply to everyone else but not to us?

22. However, this does not apply to ships delivered more than three years after the signing of the contract.

Diese Grenze gilt jedoch nicht für Schiffe, die mehr als drei Jahre nach dem Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung des endgültigen Vertrags geliefert werden.

23. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement.

Diese Vereinbarung unterliegt nicht dem Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods).

24. Activities to which the 20 000 employee-hour threshold does not apply

25. ML8.d.10 does not apply to non-inhibited fuming nitric acid.

Unternummer ML8d10 erfasst nicht nicht-inhibierte rauchende Salpetersäure.